
jiā chánɡ cài
  • home cooking;home cooling
  1. 将家常菜端上餐桌这一想法很常见。

    The intention to put a home-cooked meal on the table was pretty much universal .

  2. 大多数美国人都认为,好的家常菜胜过餐馆菜。

    Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day .

  3. 那个餐馆供应简单的家常菜。

    The restaurant serves plain home-made meals .

  4. 母亲给她吃易饱的家常菜,她想减掉婴儿肥可是很难。

    It wasn 't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy home cooking .

  5. 晚上可以在弗迪茨饭馆(BistroFotic)饭馆用餐,这里曾是一家克罗地亚摄影俱乐部,墙壁和架子上摆满黑白照片和老式相机,极具怀旧气息,还提供可口的家常菜。

    Dinner at Bistro Fotic , in a former Croatian photo club , combines nostalgia - walls and shelves are filled with black-and-white images and vintage cameras - and delectable down-home fare .

  6. 去年5月,四个女人——一个母亲、两个女儿和一个朋友——开了这家迷你咖啡馆,它专门供应家常菜,以及用当地最佳食材制作的超棒帕尼尼热三明治(panini)。

    Opened last May by four women - a mother , two daughters and a friend - this piccolissimo spot serves homemade dishes and outstanding panini using the region 's best ingredients .

  7. 我爸爸喜欢家常菜,不喜欢吃外面的饭菜。

    My dad prefers home cooked meals , rather than dining out .

  8. 你怀念你母亲做的家常菜吗?

    Do you miss eating your mother 's home-cooked meals ?

  9. 连续吃了几周饭店后,他现在很想吃原汁原味的家常菜。

    After dining out for weeks , he now misses earthy home-made food .

  10. 麻婆豆腐也是非常适合家庭准备的一道家常菜。

    The dish is also a comfort food well-suited to preparation at home .

  11. 是啊,如果你介意吃家常菜的话。

    Well , only if you hate home cooking .

  12. 免费洗衣随时能吃到家常菜

    free laundry , home-cooked meals whenever I want .

  13. 《黑莓酱的故事》是一个以旷野、家常菜和分离为内容的感人故事。

    Blackberry Jam is a moving story about moors , home cooking and separation .

  14. 我们为什么要到餐馆吃家常菜?

    Why do we go out to restaurants that promise ' homemade ' food ?

  15. 妈妈总是准备有益健康的家常菜。

    1 mom always prepares wholesome home-cooked food .

  16. 你喜欢我的家常菜吗?

    Did you enjoy my home cooking ?

  17. 这家餐馆供应传统的家常菜。

    The restaurant offers traditional home cooking .

  18. 一次,他在家中设宴请客,做了12道家常菜。

    Another time , he laid a table at home and served a dozen , home-cooked dishes .

  19. 没什么,只是能吃到家常菜太开心了。

    Lily : Oh , nothing , I 'm just so happy to have a home-cooked meal .

  20. 渥太华——蒸、嫩煎或煸炒的花菜,在许多地方的餐桌上是一道家常菜。

    OTTAWA - Steamed , sauted or stir-fried , cauliflower is standard fare on many dinner tables .

  21. 七位外国学生向烹饪老师学习制作四道中国家常菜。

    Seven students are excited to watching the cooking and making notes while the cooker explain to them .

  22. 最早起源于古代中国的东部地区,蛋炒饭现在已成为中国人的一道家常菜。

    Originally from Chinas ancient western regions , egg-fried rice has now become part of Chinese peoples daily cuisine .

  23. 因此,听力游戏活动是听力课上学生应享有的定时的“家常菜”。

    Therefore , listening game and activities ought to be a regular part of students'diet in the listening lesson .

  24. 这是一道我们从小到大都吃过的一种普通的家常菜,是从澳门传入的葡萄牙菜。

    It was the type of homely and unpretentious food we had all grown up with , a portuguese-inspired dish from Macao .

  25. 我问起井上高雄有关食物的问题,他表示,他这里提供的是“日本家常菜,但并不太传统”。

    When I ask Inoue about the food , he describes it as " Japanese family style but not too traditional " .

  26. 在离开湖北老家后的第一个学期中,宋颖很想家里的一切&从家常菜到公交车。

    During her first semester away from her Hubei home , Song missed everything – from her parents cooking to the city bus .

  27. 但是,如果你虽然只是简单地做了些家常菜,但却认真品味每一口,那么即便没花很多钱,你也享受到了人生的乐趣。

    But if you cook a simple but delicious meal , and really taste every bite , it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot .

  28. 五谷粥屋大酒店经营五谷杂粮面及各色家常菜,酒店环境优雅,可承接婚庆包席,及各类会议包饭。

    Grain porridge housing large hotel operators of grain and miscellaneous grains colored dishes , elegant hotel environment , I can undertake wedding packages , and various meetings Baofan .

  29. 探讨乡村旅游发展中野菜资源的开发利用《黑莓酱的故事》是一个以旷野、家常菜和分离为内容的感人故事。

    To Study the Exploitation and Utilization of Natural Resources of Wild Potherb on Rural Tourism Blackberry Jam is a moving story about moors , home cooking and separation .

  30. 但饭店经营者说,近几年人们都在饭店过节了,点的都是那些已成中国很多富人家常菜的奢侈菜肴。

    But in recent years , restaurateurs say the festivities and the luxurious dishes that have become a staple for many wealthy Chinese are now taking place in their dining rooms .