
jiā shū
  • a letter home;family books
家书 [jiā shū]
  • (1) [letter home]∶家庭成员写的书信

  • 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。--杜甫《春望》

  • 家书一箧。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • (2) [family books]∶家中拥有的书

家书[jiā shū]
  1. 家书抵万金。

    A letter from home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold .

  2. 他在国外工作时,家书是他的精神支柱。

    Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad .

  3. 《战国纵横家书》为我们提供了这一过渡阶段的有意义的例证。

    The zzj provides just one significant sample of this transition .

  4. 有家书吗?你母亲怎么样了?

    Any letter from home ? Ow 's your mother keeping ?

  5. 她刚一看完家书就哭了起来。

    She 's just a finish see Nashville started to cry .

  6. 对我们的士兵来说,家书可以大大鼓舞他们的士气。

    Mail from home is a great morale booster for our soldiers .

  7. 本期选刊第二、第三封家书。

    The second and the third letters are printed today .

  8. 这些士兵从阅读家书中获得慰藉。

    The soldiers took comfort from reading letters from home .

  9. 如今,这些家书已经传到了第三代人手上。

    The letters have now been passed on to the third generation .

  10. 他用墨水写了一封家书。

    He wrote a letter to home in ink .

  11. 该书全部由母子两人的家书信往来构成。

    It is composed of the letters between them .

  12. 等待家书,了解家人怎么度过周末的,

    to get a letter from home to see how the weekend had gone ,

  13. 今天刊登第五封家书。

    The fifth letters is printed today .

  14. 收到家书使他感到安慰。

    The letter from home comforted him .

  15. 这是一封家书。

    This is a letter from home .

  16. 我当时人在国外,于是他便在家书里提到这本小说。

    I was away , so he wrote a letter to me and he told me this .

  17. 中国古代家书不仅是亲属之间传情达意的私秘性文字,还真实记录了时代的变迁。

    Letters from home are not only writing among relatives , but also record vicissitudes of ages .

  18. 他的一封在硫磺岛的洞穴里发现的家书激发了伊斯特伍德的拍摄兴趣。

    The discovery of his letters home in a cave on Iwo Jima sparked Mr Eastwood 's interest .

  19. 给儿子的第一封家书

    First letter to Son

  20. 陈晴山写给儿子的家书也很有意义,句句饱含真情。

    The letters by Chen Qing-shan to his son are meaningful and written with feelings from the heart .

  21. 她还说这封漂流瓶家书启发她去寻找更多有关爷爷的信息。

    But she says the discovery of his message has inspired her to find out more about him .

  22. 为了推动这一宏伟的事业,我近日与5家书商在旧金山吃了顿饭。

    To help the cause , I went out to dinner in San Francisco last week with five booksellers .

  23. 盼望藉著短短的家书与大家分享一下,小占入读神学后的一年生活的经历。

    It 's my pleasure to share with you about my1 year experience of full time studying of theology .

  24. 曾国藩家书从读书、做人、理家三大方面体现了曾氏家训思想。

    His thoughts can be summarized from three aspects , i.e.reading books , being a man , and managing household .

  25. 乔治·班尼迪克中尉在家书中写道,我们被塞进运货车厢驶出这座城市。

    Lieutenant George Benedict writes home . We were stowed away in freight cars and started out of the city .

  26. 中篇书段按内容可分为历史故事和民间传说、劝家书、还愿书。

    The book section of content can be divided into historical stories and folk tales , a book , they advise .

  27. 不过,“他又说,”还真别说,这本来也有可能是一封家书的。

    Although ," he went on ," come to think of it , it might just as well have been family .

  28. 该部作品于1981年为汤亭亭赢得了国家图书奖和国家书评界奖,并使她获得了普利策文学奖提名。

    This work brought her National Book Critics Circle Award , the National Book Award and a runner-up for the Pulitzer Price in 1981 .

  29. 就像妈妈给我手写家书一样我也给遍布全城的陌生人写信。

    I wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers , and tucked them all throughout the city ,

  30. 这专栏曾经把晴山诸多著作中选出了15篇作品,其中有随笔、短文、家书和古体诗。

    The15 selections from Qing-shan 's literary works that have appeared in Lizi Qing included essays , short stories , family letters and classical poems .