
  • 网络Invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri;ICC;SCC
  1. 经腹彩色多普勒超声在宫颈浸润癌诊断中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Trans-abdominal Color Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosing Invasive Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri

  2. 结果正常宫颈、宫颈上皮内瘤变、宫颈原位癌、宫颈浸润癌组织中HIF-1α的阳性表达率分别为0%、12.5%、43.5%、81.4%。

    Results The expression rates of HIF-1 α protein were 0 % , 12.5 % , 43.5 % , 81.4 % respectively in normal cervical tissue , CIN , cervical carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri .

  3. 宫颈浸润癌组织中CD44V6、PCNA、CⅣ表达与转移潜能的关系研究

    Expression of CD44V6 、 PCNA 、 C ⅳ in Cervical Invasion Cancer and Metastasis Potentiality

  4. 青年妇女宫颈浸润癌77例临床分析

    Cervical carcinoma of young women : Clinical analysis of 77 cases

  5. 小病灶宫颈浸润癌,通过广泛宫颈切除术而达到保留生育功能。

    By trachelectomy for invasive cervical carcinoma with small lesion .

  6. 外生型宫颈浸润癌介入治疗的探讨

    Investigation into Interventional Therapy for Exophytic Invasive Cervical Cancer

  7. 目的探讨超选择性子宫动脉化疗栓塞治疗53例外生型宫颈浸润癌的意义。

    Objective To investigate into the therapy of super selected uterine artery chemoembolization for53 patients with exophytic invasive cervical cancer and its significance .

  8. 术后辅助治疗5例,均为宫颈浸润癌术后辅助放疗和/或化疗,分别于术后6~18个月出现更年期症状,术后未辅助治疗5例,其中1例出现更年期症状。

    Five patients with auxiliary treatment after operation , auxiliary radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy after cervical infiltrating carcinoma operation and occur climacteric symptom . Five patients without auxiliary treatment after operation , one of five patients occurs climacteric symptom .

  9. 结论:应用LEEP诊治CIN效果可靠,并可用于宫颈微小浸润癌的诊断。

    Conclusion Application of LEEP is effective and reliable in CIN diagnosis and treatment , which is also applicable to diagnosis of cervical microinvasive carcinoma .

  10. 原位腺癌锥切活检显示边缘阴性与宫颈浸润性腺癌

    Invasive cervical adenocarcinoma immediately following a cone biopsy for adenocarcinoma in situ with negative margins

  11. 抑癌基因PTEN在宫颈浸润鳞癌和癌前病变组织中的表达及意义

    The Expression and Its Significance of PTEN in Invasive Cervical Squamous Cell Cancer and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

  12. 结果宫颈原位癌与浸润癌SCC阳性率分别为5.6%和46.9%。

    Results Increased levels of SCC were found in 5.6 % and 46.9 % of the patients with carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix respectively .

  13. 但阴道原位癌更多伴发或继发于宫颈原位癌,或宫颈浸润性癌的周边改变。

    But the vagina former companion sends a cancerous more or afterwards is sent at palace neck former a cancer , or cancerous periphery changes palace neck wellability .

  14. 儿黄散通过对PCNA、EGFR和bcl-2的调控,抑制细胞增殖,促进细胞凋亡,使宫颈癌前病变细胞向良性转化,从而达到阻断宫颈浸润癌发生的目的。

    By controlling PCNA 、 EGFR and bcl-2 , EHS resist proliferation and promote apoptosis , which make it can prevent occurrence of canceration in cervix .

  15. 目的探讨宫颈刮片阴道镜及镜下活检在宫颈上皮瘤样病变及宫颈早期浸润癌中的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of cervical scraping smear , colposcopy and biopsy to cervix lesion .

  16. 宫颈外观的糜烂包括轻、中、重度宫颈糜烂、CIN、甚至早期宫颈浸润癌。

    Cervical erosion include mild , moderate , severe degree , CIN , and early stage of cervical invasive carcinoma .

  17. 结果:筛查并经病理诊断为HPV感染365例,宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)Ⅰ级71例,CINⅡ48例,CINⅢ55例,宫颈浸润癌31例。

    Results : Final pathological diagnosis was HPV infection in 365 cases , cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ( CIN )ⅰ in 71 cases , CIN ⅱ in 48 cases , CIN ⅲ in 55 cases , invasive cervical cancer 31 cases .

  18. 根据细胞与病理学诊断有无宫颈病变及其病变程度分组。①宫颈癌与高度鳞状上皮内瘤变(HSIL)组:包括宫颈浸润癌9例、CINⅢ57例、CINⅡ53例;

    According to the cytological and pathological diagnosis , the patients were divided into three groups : ① cervical cancer and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions ( HSIL ) group , including 9 cases of invasive cervical cancer , 57 CIN ⅲ and 53 CIN ⅱ;

  19. 结果宫颈炎性病变占宫颈病变88.27%,宫颈损伤及良性肿瘤等病变占1.79%,宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(CIN)占8.98%,宫颈浸润癌占0.96%。

    ( Results ) Of all the cervix disease cases , the percentage of the inflammation diseases was 88.27 % , injury and benign tumor , 1.79 % , cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ( CIN ), 8.98 % , and invasive carcinoma , 0.96 % .

  20. 目前宫颈细胞学检查使得宫颈癌的早期诊断治疗得到了提高,早期宫颈癌5年总体生存率可达71.6%,但宫颈浸润癌的疗效及总体生存率仍不高。

    At present check of cervical cell improves the early diagnose and medical treatment . The primary cervical cancer is 71.6 % in five year 's overall survival periods . but in carcinoma of cervix uteri is on the contrary .

  21. 而从宫颈病变到宫颈癌的过程长达十年左右,及时、准确的诊断和恰当的治疗宫颈癌前病变或早期癌变,可明显减少宫颈浸润癌的发生率,从而显著改善患者的预后。

    If recognized and diagnosed early as the pre-cancerous lesions and stage Ia cervical carcinoma , the mortality of cervical carcinoma could be greatly reduced .