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  1. 但是,历史影视剧乐道于宫廷斗争和皇权至上并有意无意地张扬权谋文化,同样带来了一些社会的负面效应,造成当代影视文化的价值迷失。

    But they enjoy propagandizing the culture of political tactics , and cause the bad effect on the society .

  2. 由于受观念的束缚和性格的影响,于谦又在夺门之变中无所作为,最终惨遭杀害并被抄家,成为宫廷斗争的牺牲品。

    Yu Qian is affected by constraint and personality in idea , does nothing in " change forcing the way to ", murdered and searched and confiscate finally , become the victim of struggling in the palace .

  3. 最后,探讨此期宫廷政治斗争的特点。认为其特征有三:一是频繁而复杂;

    The last , to discuss the features of palace politics struggle of that period : one was complex and frequent , another wasstruggling for governance , not for political ideal .

  4. 然而宫廷内部的阴谋斗争使得这位才华横溢举世公认的年轻音乐家难以一展抱负。

    Yet intrigues at court prevent the young musician , whose genius had already been recognised , from fulfilling his dearest wish .