
  • 网络implementation of the constitution;constitutional enforcement
  1. 宪法实施是一种由静态宪法制度转化为动态宪政实践的运行过程,具有广泛性的特点。

    The constitutional enforcement is an operational process from the static state of the constitutional system to the dynamic state of the constitutionalism , which has the characteristic of extension .

  2. 文章从宪法实施的概念出发,论述了宪法实施的政治条件、经济条件、思想条件和自身条件,同时对宪法实施行为和宪法实施结果进行了评价。

    This article starts from the conception of constitutional enforcement , discusses the political conditions , the economic conditions , the ideological conditions and self conditions of constitutional enforcement and meantime evaluates the acts and results of constitutional enforcement .

  3. 违宪审查制度是保障和监督宪法实施的重要法律制度,为了有效地实施宪法,使一切违宪行为及时得到审查,处理和纠正,世界许多宪政国家都纷纷建立了各自的违宪审查制度。

    Regulation of violation constitution investigation is important law that ensures and supervises constitution implement .

  4. 建立完善的违宪审查制度,从宪法实施的制度缺位走向制度保障;

    Secondly construct the perfect censor system of irregularity from the system absent to guarantee .

  5. 必须建立稳定有效的宪法实施机制,切实保障宪法的全面实施;

    A steady and effective operational system should be established to ensure implementation of the constitution .

  6. 正因如此,宪法实施不仅是一个重大的理论问题,更应该成为一个全体人民努力推进的实践问题。

    Therefore the implementation of constitution is not only a significant theoretical issue but a practical issue that all people endeavor to promote .

  7. 有利于人大从繁重的立法任务中解脱出来,把主要的精力用在最高决策权的行使和宪法实施监督上;

    Setting the National People 's Congress free from arduous legislation duty , putting the main energy into highest decision-making and the constitution implementation surveillance ;

  8. 宪法实施监督制度是保证宪法正确实施并对违反宪法的行为进行监督的制度。

    The system of constitutional implementation of surveillance is a system that guarantees the correct implementation of the constitution and supervises behaviors violating the constitution .

  9. 因此,作为保证宪法实施的机构,违宪审查机构具有超国家、超法律的性质。

    Therefore , as a organ of ensuring constitution carry into execution , the censorship of violation of the constitution has the characters of exceeding country and law .

  10. 监督宪法实施制度是宪法实施保障制度的重要组成部分,凡宪政国家都十分重视这项制度的建设。

    The surveillance constitution implementation system is the important constituent of constitution implementation safeguard system , every constitutional government country all extremely takes the construction of the system .

  11. 建立和完善我国公民基本权利的司法救济制度,有利于保障公民基本权利的实现和对宪法实施的有效监督。

    Setting up and improvement of judicial remedy to citizen 's basic rights system will benefit the realization of such rights and effective supervision on operation of constitution .

  12. 本文从六个方面论述了我国的监督宪法实施制度:一、前言,主要交待写作的背景和相关概念;

    This article elaborated our country 's surveillance constitution implementation system from six aspects : First , the introduction mainly transfers the background of writing and the related concepts ;

  13. 违宪审查制度是宪法实施的最重要的制度保证,基于其重要性诸多学者迫切呼吁在我国建立违宪审查制度。

    The system of the review of constitutionality is the most important guaranty in the course of constitution implementation . Therefore , many scholars urgently appeal for such a system .

  14. 宪法实施是宪法规范在现实生活中贯彻落实的一个动态过程,在一定意义上,也是宪政实现的过程。

    The enforcement of the Constitution is a dynamic process of politic , which constitutional norm implement in the real-world . In a certain sense , It is also a process of implementing Constitutionalism .

  15. 针对此,文章通过揭示宪法实施中的现存障碍,提出了实现我国宪法的司法适用及违宪审查的合理架构。

    In light of these problems , this essay attempts to disclose the current obstacles in the full implementation of the constitution and proposes a feasible construction of the judicatory application of the constitution in China and the examination of violation of the constitution .

  16. 法定假日是由官方政府宣布的假日,用于庆祝特殊历史事件,如获得独立,国家建立,宪法实施,统治者诞辰,或圣徒纪念日。

    National holidays are set aside by official government proclamation to celebrate such occasions as the achievement of independence , the founding of the nation , the adoption of a constitution , the birthday of the ruler , or the national patron saint 's day .

  17. 鉴于战斗趋于激烈,宪法暂停实施。

    The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse .

  18. 司法解释权能的复位与宪法的实施

    Restoration of the Power of Judicial Interpretation and the Constitution 's Application

  19. 它的健全与否直接影响着宪法的实施。

    Their sound is a direct impact on the enforcement of the Constitution .

  20. 二监督宪法的实施;

    2 to supervise the enforcement of the constitution ;

  21. 这部宪法从未实施过。

    The constitution was never put in force .

  22. 历史的拐点&写在七八宪法颁布实施30周年

    The Turning Point of History & Written on the Occasion of 30th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution of PRC in 1978

  23. 违宪审查制度就是保证宪法得以实施,裁定并处罚违宪行为的一项根本的宪法制度。

    The system of examination of violation of the constitution is a fundamental constitutional system which can guarantee the implementation of constitution , judge and punish unconstitutional acts .

  24. 在宪法的实施中,尚存在宪法的司法化与解释、权利分配与私有财产的尊重以及私有财产限制中的程序正义等问题值得进一步思考。

    Some questions , such as constitutional judicature and interpretation of constitution , rights distribution and respect to private property , and just procedure in limitation for private property , are to be further considered in performance of constitution .

  25. 一年之后,他成为了第一位在第25条宪法修正案实施后就职的总统。

    A year later he became the first President to take the office under the Twenty-fifth Amendment .

  26. 这并非违法,宪法允许各州实施比联邦政府更为严格的卫生举措。

    It 's not illegal , the Constitution allows states to impose stricter health regulations than the federal government .

  27. 改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的蓬勃发展,是宪法得以充分实施和不断完善的根本原因。

    Reform and opening up and the flourish of socialist modernization are the fundamental reasons why the Constitution has a fully implementation and self-changing .

  28. 在有法可依的前提下,我国法治建设工作重心有必要向保障宪法、法律实施方向倾斜。

    In the " legal basis " premise , the focus of legal construction have is necessary turn into ensuring implementation of constitution and law .

  29. 宪法的有效实施,是实现依法治国的前提,而违宪审查制度是保障宪法实施的重要法律制度。

    The enforcement of Constitution is the precondition of the policy of ' administering a country in conformity with legal provisions ' . Unconstitutional censorship is an effective system that ensures the enforcement of Constitution .

  30. 这样便于从立法的角度及时回答和解决宪法和法律实施过程中提出的问题,保障宪法和法律的准确实施。

    This is in the interest of timely answering and solving questions arising over the process of implementing the Constitution or laws from a legal point of view , so as to ensure the accurate execution of the Constitution and laws .