
shì nèi zhí wù
  • Indoor plants;house plant
  1. 蜘蛛草就像是室内植物世界里的蜜獾。

    Spider plants are like the honey badgers of the house plant world .

  2. 在小公寓中摆放过多室内植物会让人觉得很压抑。

    An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive

  3. 1989年,美国国家航空航天局进行了著名的清洁空气研究,以观察普通室内植物除了吸收二氧化碳和释放氧气之外,是否还能通过排除毒素来净化室内空气。当时的研究证明这种方法起到了作用。

    In 1989 , NASA conducted its famous Clean Air Study to see whether common houseplants might purify indoor air by removing toxins1 in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen .

  4. 选择具有夜间吸收CO2特性且吸收量高的功能植物,对于室内植物设计具有重要的意义。

    To select such high absorbing capacity plants which can remove CO2 during night is important for interior plants design .

  5. 例如,在GNC声称可以提高活力和整体元气的人参丸中,研究人员没有检测出任何人参DNA,但却发现了粉状大米、小麦、松树和某些室内植物的成分。

    At GNC , for example , the investigators found bottles of ginseng pills , promoted for vitality and overall well-being , that tested negative for any DNA from the ginseng plant . But the tests did indicate the presence of powdered rice , wheat , pine and houseplants .

  6. 例如,在GNC声称可以“提高活力和整体元气”的人参丸中,研究人员没有检测出任何人参DNA,但却发现了粉状大米、小麦、松树和某些室内植物的成分。

    At GNC , for example , the investigators found bottles of ginseng pills , promoted for " vitality and overall well-being , " that tested negative for any DNA from the ginseng plant . But the tests did indicate the presence of powdered rice , wheat , pine and houseplants .

  7. 这段视频将教给你怎样选择室内植物。

    This film will show you to choose an indoor plant .

  8. 如果你浇水过多,你最爱的室内植物就会死,为什么?

    If you overwater , why do your favorite houseplants die ?

  9. 还谈到软装饰和室内植物、绿化的应用。

    Also spoke of soft decoration and indoor plants , landscape application .

  10. 国外室内植物景观设计发展浅议

    Discussion on the Development of Interior Landscaping in Foreign Countries

  11. 星座图在室内植物与居室环境关系研究中的应用

    Constellation applied to research of relation between indoor plant and its environment

  12. 清除室内植物和其它霉菌来源。

    Rid your home of indoor plants and other sources of mildew .

  13. 感谢收看“怎样选择室内植物”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Choose An Indoor Plant

  14. 室内植物能使你成为一名理想的员工吗?

    Could house plants transform you into the ideal employee ?

  15. 中央供暖系统可能不利于室内植物。

    Central heating is bad news for indoor plants .

  16. 有多种室内植物供你选择。

    There are many common houseplants to choose from .

  17. 多购买一些室内植物,这些植物可以净化你室内的空气。

    Buy more indoor plants , They purify the air in your home .

  18. 我想学栽种室内植物的课程。

    I want to learn lessons that teach me to grow indoor plants .

  19. 国外室内植物的起源和历史

    The Origin and History of Foreign Interior Plants

  20. 美洲热带常绿附生植物的一个大属,常作为室内植物种植。

    Large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants .

  21. 采用下面的建议,任何人都能让室内植物保持存活&甚至是你。

    With these tips , anyone can keep a houseplant alive – even you !

  22. 不断恶化的污染状况和更加艰难的生长环境会影响室内植物的寿命。

    Increased pollution and difficult growing conditions could affect the life of your houseplants .

  23. 常年载植,特别作为一种室内植物,有芳香的蓝到深紫色的花。

    Perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers .

  24. 我记得它探讨的是大自然的景观,而不是室内植物。

    I was under the impression that study dealt with natural settings , not indoor plants .

  25. 室内植物在现代家庭中的运用

    Ornamenting Indoor Plants In Modern House

  26. 等待热水的时间可以先接一点水用来为室内植物浇水。

    While you wait for hot water , you can collect water for your indoor plants .

  27. 室内植物景观设计的环境分析

    Environmental analysis of interior landscape design

  28. 虽然它相貌平平,但是常春藤是一个益处多多的室内植物。

    Although a more common sight outside , English ivy is a great trailing indoor plant .

  29. 你只需要一个窗台花盆箱或一些室内植物,就可以改善你的身体健康

    You need only a window box or a few houseplants to see these improvements in your health

  30. 室内植物应用研究发展动态

    Application Actuality of Indoor Plants