
Xuān tǒnɡ
  • Xuantong
  1. 宣统是中国历史上最后的皇(篁)帝。

    Xuantong was the last emperor in Chinese history .

  2. 1912年的今天,中国的最后一位皇帝,满清的宣统皇帝(宣统皇帝,溥仪)退位。

    1912-Xuantong Emperor of the Manchu Qing dynasty , the last Emperor of China , abdicates .

  3. 宣统年造大清国币系列币模乃维也纳造币厂所制

    A series of dies of Xuan Tong Nian Zao Da Qing Guo Bao coin were made by the VIENNA MINT

  4. 山东省图书馆创建于1909年(清宣统元年),是我国创办最早的十座省级综合性公共图书馆之一。

    Shandong library was set up in 1909 . it is one of the ten most oldest comprehensive common libraries in china .

  5. 中国国家图书馆初名京师图书馆,敕建于清宣统元年(1909),1912年正式开馆接待读者。

    The predecessor of the National Library of China is the Metropolitan Library founded in1909 . In1912 , the Library opened to the public .

  6. 清末新政背景下的毁学事件与乡村社会&以宣统元年宜春县为例

    Yichun Incident and Rural Society under the Background of New System Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty & Taking Yichun County in 1909 as an Example

  7. 胡风、潘汉年、饶漱石这样的人不杀,连被俘的战犯宣统皇帝、康泽这样的人也不杀。

    We don 't execute people like Hu Feng , Pan Han-nien , Jao Shu-shih , or even captured war criminals such as Emperor Pu Yi and Kang Tse .

  8. 但事实上,到了宣统二年,还出现中第举人的喜报,反映出清政府废科举制度的不彻底性。

    But in fact , there still appeared " Zhongdi Bulletin Paper " in2 of Xuantong Emperor , reflecting the incompleteness of abolishing imperial examination system by Qing government .

  9. 宣统年间,此书改名为《词坛妙品》重印,研究者遂多以《词坛妙品》代替《清平初选后集》。

    During the reign of Emperor Xuantong , this book was reprinted with a new title " Fine Works of Ci Art ", which most of the scholars have used instead of the original Collection .