
  • 网络Xuanwei;xuanwei city
  1. 宣威市来宾镇发展经济林的思路

    Thoughts of Economic Forest Development of Laibin Town of Xuanwei City

  2. 宣威市天然林资源保护工程管护组织形式

    Forest Guarding Organization for Natural Forest Conservation Program in Xuanwei City

  3. 宣威市林产业现状及发展对策

    Current State and Development Strategy of Forestry Enterprises in Xuanwei City

  4. 据调查,宣威市目前有森林病害18种,虫害52种。

    There are 18 diseases and 52 pests of forest , according to investigation .

  5. 试论云南省宣威市的可持续发展

    On the Sustainable Development of Xuanwei City

  6. 宣威市紫色土辣椒氮磷钾肥配比试验研究

    Researches on the proportion of N , P and K fertilizers to hot pepper in purple - colored of Xuanwei

  7. 宣威市东北部退耕还林工程荒山荒地造林地块补充途径

    Complement of Planting Sites for Barren Hills Afforestation of the Project ' Conversion of Cultivated Land back to Forests ' in Northeastern Xuanwei