
  • 网络objective indicator;objective measure
  1. 围术期心输出量(C0)监测是反映危重病人心脏功能客观指标之一。

    Perioperative cardiac output ( C0 ) monitoring of critical patients is one of the objective indicators of cardiac functions .

  2. 形成了以客观指标为基础的主观指标体系。

    Formed on the basis of objective indicators of subjective index system .

  3. 客观指标:D-木糖排泄量及淀粉酶活力明显减少:超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)降低、丙二醛(MDA)升高;

    Objective indices : D-xylose excretion rate and amylase activity lowered ;

  4. 血清C反应蛋白做为判断心功能状态的客观指标无性别差异。

    As an objective index for the judgement of cardiac function , serum level of C reactive protein has no gender difference .

  5. 结论ALP值还可做为鉴别诊断的客观指标。

    Conclusions The ALP value can help us to identify the type of cerebral palsy .

  6. 结论:BEAM、CT是目前评价AICA认知功能较为敏感的客观指标。

    Conclusion : In the present BEAM and CT are sensitive index in assessing cognition function of acute ischemic cerebral apoplexy .

  7. PCNA的表达程度是反映细胞增殖能力及肿瘤恶性程度的良好客观指标。

    The PCNA expression level is a useful index to reflect the cell proliferation ability and the tumor malignancy .

  8. 结论ERP是测定重型颅脑损伤患者认知功能变化的一项客观指标。

    Conclusion ERP might be taken as an objective index for measuring the change of the brain cognition function in patients with severe head injury .

  9. PTEN蛋白表达水平可以作为判定乳腺癌病理生物学行为的客观指标。

    PTEN protein may be an objective marker for determination of pathologically biological behavior of breast carcinoma .

  10. 结论:血清IL-1、IL-2、IL-6含量升高可能为大肠湿热证的客观指标。

    Conclusion : The increased IL-1 , IL-2 , IL-6 contents might be the impersonal parameters of large intestine damp-heat syndrome .

  11. 结论超声检测颈动脉IMT及EDD%可作为监测冠心病患者的客观指标。

    Conclusions IMT and EDD % can provide objective indices for coronary heart disease .

  12. 联合检测PTEN和VEGF有助于提高肾癌侵袭转移能力的评估,并可作为判定肾癌生物学行为的客观指标。

    Combined detection of PTEN and VEGF may be helpful in evaluating the prognosis and infiltrative capability of renal cell carcinoma .

  13. 中医辨证干预ACS不稳定斑块微观客观指标。

    Microcosmic and objective indexes of TCM treatment based on syndrome differentiation for interfering unstable plaque of ACS ;

  14. FCM的肿瘤细胞DNA倍体分析可能成为鼻咽癌选择放疗分割方案的客观指标。

    The analysis of DNA-ploidy by means of FCM may be as an objective index to choose different divide-up radiotherapy for each individual patient of NPC .

  15. 结论:结合腺苷负荷试验,PSS可以早期定量区分缺血心肌与非缺血心肌,作为负荷试验中识别缺血的客观指标。

    Conclusion : PSS can be quantitatively differentiated ischemic myocardium from nonischemic myocardium , combined with adenosine stress echocardiography .

  16. 结论P300有助于诊断MID及严重程度,是MID诊断的客观指标。

    Conclusion P300 is useful in the diagnosis of MID and its severity . It is an objective item in the dignosis MID.

  17. TCD超声检测是一种无创性的检测手段,可以作为评价耳源性眩晕疗效的客观指标。

    TCD ultrasound is harmless and plays an objective role in assessing the curative effect in patients with aural vertigo .

  18. MRD阴性可以做为临床疗效观察的客观指标。

    The negative MRD can be as the objective marker for clinical effect observation .

  19. 结论SPECT可作为脑动脉硬化症早期诊断的客观指标,对防治脑动脉病有重要价值。

    Conclusion SPECT has objective values in diagnosing early cerebral arteriosclerosis . This is important in preventing and treating cerebral artery diseases .

  20. 动态认知诱发电位(CognitiveEvokedPotentials,CEP)是评价动态的脑认知功能的重要客观指标之一。目前临床和医学研究中应用的是多次平均CEP。

    Average cognitive evoked potentials ( CEP ) have been used since 1971 in clinic and medical research for brain cognitive function .

  21. 结论膀胱颈过度活动,静止期近端尿道缩短是两种不同类型的女性压力性尿失禁的解剖学原因,也是B超诊断SUI的最有价值的客观指标。

    Conclusion Hypermobility of bladder neck , proximal urethra shortness were the most discriminative objective parameters for ultrasonography evaluating female SUI .

  22. 降低血糖水平,可以减少ET1的产生,有效控制糖尿病血管并发症的发生、发展。结论是:血浆ET、ⅧR:Ag的检测可作为对糖尿病血管并发症防治的重要客观指标。

    Control of hyperglycemia is the key issue to reduce ET 1 induction and prevention vascular complications of diabetes .

  23. 骨矿密度(BMD)是诊断骨量减少(低骨量,骨质疏松),评价骨丢失率和疗效的重要客观指标。

    Bone mineral density ( BMD ) is widely used to measure bone loss and assess effectiveness of treatments for osteoporosis by WHO .

  24. Ki-67标记指数(ki-67labelingindex,ki-67LI)能较可靠全面地反映细胞群体增殖情况,常以其作为反映细胞增殖的客观指标。

    The Ki-67 labeling index ( ki-67 LI ) can give a good indication of the cell proliferating activity and can be used as an objective marker of cell proliferation .

  25. 结论:血IL-6、TNF、尿IL-8,可作为CGN中医证型区分的客观指标。

    Conclusion Blood IL-6 , TNF and Urine IL-8 can be used as the objective indexes to differentiate various CGN syndromes in TCM .

  26. 结论(1)P300可以作为认知功能评价的客观指标。

    Conclusion ( 1 ) P 300 could be used as the objective index in the appraisal of cognition deficits .

  27. 结论测定绒毛组织中的HCMVmRNA、早期抗原是HCMV宫内活动性感染的客观指标。

    Conclusions Screening the HCMV mRNA and early antigen in the chorionic villus tissues were the objective indexes to diagnosis of HCMV intrauterine active infection .

  28. 应用放射免疫法测定脑组织中NPY的含量,可考虑作为了解癫癎病情变化、病程演变的一项敏感的客观指标。

    Use radio-immunity to assay the content of NPY in the brain could be a criterion to observe course of epilepsy .

  29. 糖精法测量MTR可作为儿童鼻粘膜病变严重程度的评定的客观指标。

    The saccharin technique can be the objective method of assessing the degree of changes in the mucosa .

  30. 结论高血压尤其并发脑梗死患者存在明显的颈动脉粥样硬化和血管内皮功能受损,高频超声检测颈动脉IMT及EDD%可作为监测高血压脑梗死患者的客观指标。

    Conclusion The degree of carotid atherosclerosis and EDD % can provide objective indices for hypertensive patients with cerebral infarction .