
  • 网络expectation;Customer expectation
  1. 从需求管理和供应商关系管理入手,以满足EM公司的客户期望度为目标,对现有的流程和管理现状设计了改进方案。

    From the Demand Management and Supplier Relationship Management to improving EM company customer expectation as the goal to design the improve plan .

  2. 要找到客户期望与感知SERVQUAL模型之间的差距已从不同的维度应用。

    To find the gap between customer expectation and perception SERVQUAL model has been applied from a different dimension .

  3. 在3G网络时代,电信企业市场竞争日趋激烈,客户期望值不断提高。

    On the 3G network , telecom enterprise market competition becomes increasingly fierce , customer expectations enhances unceasingly .

  4. 记住这一点,最佳起点即您和您的客户期望看到的信息&定义系统使用方式的表单及传达信息的Web页面。

    With this in mind , the best place to start is with the information that you and your customers expect to see & the forms and informational Web pages that define how the system will be used .

  5. 为SLA提供标准术语与价值的最佳实践的组织正在满足客户期望,以求推动SLA管理标准化。

    Organizations that offer best practices of standard terminology and values for SLA are meeting customer expectations to push for SLA management standardization .

  6. ScottCosby:我想说WASCE是90%的ApacheGeronimo,意思是我们基于Apache最新的驱动程序构建它,然后添加一些客户期望从IBM获得的价值。

    Scott Cosby : I like to say that WAS CE is90 % Apache Geronimo & meaning that we are building it based on the latest driver from Apache and then adding some value that our customers expect from IBM .

  7. 客户期望寿命的乘积限估计

    Product limit estimator for the expected duration of a customer lifetime

  8. 组建高效专业团队,达成个人成长,超越客户期望。

    Build effective and professional team , achieve personal growth and exceed customer expectation .

  9. 服务策略由弥补手段转变为超越客户期望的辅助手段。

    Service strategy turns from remedy measure to supplementary means to exceed customer expectation .

  10. 描述客户期望的用例模型

    A use-case model describing the customer expectations

  11. 提高了的客户期望值和激烈的竞争,是目前保险公司面临的最大挑战。

    The heighten consumer expectation and fierce competition are the challenges that the insurance companies faced now .

  12. 同时,对客户期望心智模式差异的影响因素、概要结构及表达形式进行阐述。

    The influencing factors , structure and expression of mental models of customer expectation are also presented .

  13. 旨在通过理论结合实际的方法,管理电信客户期望值,找到提升客户满意度的有效办法。

    Method of theory with practice is adapted for managing telecom customer expectations , aims at finding effective ways of enhancing customer satisfaction .

  14. 客户期望管理、IT交付流程的效率、端到端可跟踪性测试和未来的重用也都存在问题。

    Client expectation management , efficiency of the IT delivery process , end-to-end traceability , testing , and future re-use are also problematic .

  15. 我们的客户期望我随时告知离岸银行业务最新情况,离岸知识变化太快。

    My clients expect me to keep abreast of the newest developments in offshore banking , and offshore events do change quite rapidly .

  16. 布莱克说:我们希望以客户期望的方式向他们提供贴心服务。

    The idea , says Blake , is that we want to be able to serve our customers how they want to be served .

  17. 随着当今行业竞争的日益激烈、产品寿命周期的缩短和客户期望的提高,企业仅仅依靠提高自身的竞争力已经远远不能适应这个市场。

    Life cycle and the increasing customer expectations , enterprises rely solely on improving the competitiveness of their own can not adapt to the market .

  18. 不仅要达到客户期望,而且要超出客户期望;不仅要一次性服务,而且要开展持续性的服务。

    Not only to achieve customer expectation , but also to exceed customer expectation . Not only service for one time but also develop persistent service .

  19. 同时,客户期望值不断提高,业务种类迅速增加,网络规模持续增大。

    At the same time , customer expectations continue to improve , the types of business increased rapidly , the scale of the network increases continuously .

  20. 所以,正确的地方,是指客户期望能够购买的产品和顾客想要购买的产品。

    So , The right place means where the customer would expect to be able to buy the product and where the customer wants to buy the product .

  21. 永远超越客户期望值是奕之居装饰的追求,先立信誉,后售产品是奕之居装饰的经营精髓。

    Never exceed customer expectations game is the abode of the pursuit of decoration , first made credit , after the game is sold products reside adornment business essence .

  22. 为实现我们的愿景,培育第一流的商业人才,并致力发掘员工才干和潜能,更好传递商业价值,领励信守以下价值观:追求卓越:精益求精,超越客户期望。

    To forge top-tiered talent and unleash the potential of our people to the fullest to achieve the above , we believe : Excellence : Get better from the best .

  23. 公司在室内装潢设计上拥有经验丰富、时尚创新的设计研发精英和技术精湛、精益求精的工程团队,做到永远超越客户期望值是公司的追求!

    Interior design company with experienced , innovative design fashion elite and skilled R & D , engineering excellence team , so that always exceed customer expectations is the companys pursuit !

  24. 在一个资源日渐稀少、竞争不断加强、客户期望较高、需求日新月异的大环境下,传统企业单打独斗的模式早已不再适用。

    In an environment which is increasingly scarce resources , competition is strengthened ceaselessly , customers expect higher and demand change rapidly , the traditional separate business operation pattern already no longer applicable .

  25. 这些是能够满足甚至超越客户期望值的策略和方法,由于已经达到极高水平,所以近期无须做出任何改动。

    These are practices or ways of meeting or exceeding customers ' expectations , which have evolved to such a high standard that no immediate changes need to be made to the process or system .

  26. 全球市场竞争日益激烈,客户期望的不断提高使得产品生命周期缩短,企业越来越关注供应链管理问题。

    With the increasing competition of global market and the improvement of expectations of customers , these resulted in shortening of product life cycle . Company concerned about the problem of supply chain management increasingly .

  27. 由于市场的不断发展和客户期望的增加,在全球数字经济环境下,企业被迫不断改善自己以适应环境,从而创造更大的客户价值。

    Due to evolution of market and its pressures in terms of customer expectations , organizations are forced to continuously revise and adapt their ways to create more value of customers in the global digital economy .

  28. 质量是做出超越客户期望的东西,质量管理是在有效的管理体系中以最经济的办法生产出适合买方要求的产品,研发设计质量管理是系统的作好产品的优生工作。

    Quality means your productions exceed customers ' expectation . Quality management is to provide expected productions in the most economic way under a sound and effective management system . It is a systematic job-elected of production for Q.

  29. 如果确信生产商没有和潜在客户期望相符的价格,质量和承诺时,采购服务代理商不必告诉生产商潜在客户的询价。

    The sourcing service agent is not obligated to communicate an inquiry from a potential customer to the manufacturer should he be convinced that the manufacturer cannot match price , quality and compliance expectations of the potential buyer .

  30. 需求管理是项目管理中非常重要的一部分,是保证项目能够按照客户期望的意愿顺利完成的基础,也是项目质量、进度和成本控制的关键。

    As one very important part of project management , requirement management is the base guaranteeing one project to be successfully completed according to willing anticipated by customers as well as the key of quality progress and cost control for the project .