
  1. 我知道这附近有客家围屋。

    I know there is a Hakka enclosed house around here .

  2. 客家围屋,一般是一个家族造的。

    In average , Hakka circular houses were built by big families .

  3. 客家围屋的建筑理念与现代小区规划

    On residential district planning from the construction concept of Hakka Round House

  4. 客家围屋哪都是一样的呀。

    There are different styles of Hakka enclosed houses .

  5. 客家围屋的生态特色&江西龙南县客家围屋佣景研究

    The Ecological Characteristic of the Hakkas Walled-houses & the Hakkas Walled-houses in Longnan County , Jiangxi province

  6. 在你参观客家围屋时,你还有机会聆听客家山歌,品尝客家美食。

    While visiting the Hakka Enclosed House , you may have a chance to listen to Hakka songs and taste Hakka food .

  7. 基于对从化地区客家围屋田野调查所取得的资料,归纳总结了从化客家围屋在从化地区的分布区域以及各自的基本形制特点。

    Based on the investigation of Hakka enclosed houses in Conghua district of Guangzhou , the regional distribution and respective characteristics of the enclosed houses in Conghua are summarized .

  8. 客家围屋,是中国文化中一种纵贯古今的结晶,它们在技术和功能上臻于完善,在造型上具有高度审美价值,在文化内涵上蕴藏有深刻内容。

    Hakka Chinese culture , is a north-south and crystallization , their technique and function perfect , in the shape of high aesthetic value , the cultural connotation is the profound content .

  9. 赣南客家围屋,就其造型规模和建筑艺术而言,其渊源来自于北方中原的古宫殿的住宅形式和夯土技术。

    The mold , scale and style of the architect of Gannan Ke Jia Clay building can be tracked back to the style of ancient palace , dwelling house and the techniques of ramming .

  10. 在江西省赣州市境内,客家民系的围屋民居以其独特的风格和博大内涵,引起国内外传媒和学术文化界的广泛兴趣。

    In the territory of Jiangxi Ganzhou City , the Hakka people circular house has unique style and extensive residential contents , and caused widespread interest in the media and academic culture .

  11. 客家人以自己的聪明才智,灵巧的双手,创造了色彩斑斓的围屋文化,更重要的是,客家人创造了围屋景观得以产生并且千百年传承下来的深厚物质、精神基础。

    Hakka in their own wisdom , nimble hands to create a colorful circular culture and , more importantly , the Hakka people have created circular house landscape and old generations down to the deep physical , spiritual foundation .