
  • 网络prudential carve-out
  1. “审慎例外”授权WTO的成员方为审慎目的采取审慎措施,而不受GATS其他规定的羁绊,是我国金融开放的安全阀。

    " Prudential Carve-out " authorizes WTO members to take prudential measures irrespective of other provisions of GATS , and thus constitutes the safety valve for the opening of Chinas financial sector .

  2. 阐述了金融服务自由化与市场准入监管的关系,以及审慎例外原则在监管法律制度上的应用。

    I also describe the regulation of financial services liberalization and market access , and the " prudential carve-out " principle in the regulation of the legal system .

  3. 论GATS金融附件中的审慎例外

    On " prudential carve-out " in financial annex of GATS

  4. 而且,这一规定也具有审慎例外的审慎性,构成成员方可以背离GATS义务和金融承诺的审慎措施。

    Moreover , this provision goes in conformity with the principle of Prudential Carve-out , according to which members can run counter to GATS obligations and commitments on financial services .

  5. 为弥补审慎例外条款这种实体性规则不足的缺憾,GATS为成员方规定了审慎监管标准协调与认可的程序性义务。

    To remedy the deficiency of the lack of substantive rule , GATS stipulates for its members the procedural obligations of cooperation and recognition , so as to strengthen the supervision cooperation and promote the effort to establish a common supervision standard .

  6. 为平衡二者之间的关系,GATS及其附件规定了审慎监管制度,但是审慎例外条款自身规定的抽象性及其优先适用性大大削弱了金融自由化的成果。

    GATS and its annex set out prudential carve-out . However , the abstraction of the clause , together with its priority in application , undermines the achievement of financial liberalization .