
  1. 其它实验室、卫生或医疗用之玻璃器,己否刻度或校正者均在内,属熔凝石英或其它熔化硅砂制者。

    Other laboratory , hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware , whether or not graduated or calibrated , of fused quartz or other fused silica .

  2. 虽然中国拥有先进的实验室和卫生设备,但中国很难对组织结构进行完善。在实现食品安全的过程中,完善组织结构所带来的作用,往往会被忽视。

    While China has access to advanced laboratory and sanitation equipment , organizational improvements that played an often-overlooked role in achieving food safety have been difficult to implement in China .

  3. 遵守实验室的安全卫生制度。

    Abide the laboratory safety and sanitation regulations .

  4. 结果经过30个月的实验室检测,卫生清理地区粪大肠菌值、蛔虫卵死亡率均符合卫生学标准要求;

    Results Through 30 months observation , the concentration of fecal coliform and death rate of lumbricoid eggs accorded with the requirement of hygienic standard .

  5. P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  6. 经仰光国家卫生实验室和泰国国家卫生研究所检验,该病例所送样本呈H5N1型阳性。

    Samples taken from the case tested positive for H5N1 at the National Health Laboratory in Yangon , and the National Institute of Health in Thailand .

  7. 但实验室很可能是卫生系统中最易受忽视的地方。

    Laboratories are arguably the most neglected component of health systems .

  8. 目的研究临床实验室检验人员手卫生依从性,提高其防护意识。

    OBJECTIVE To measure the compliance of laboratory personnel with different components of hand hygiene and improve their concerns for prevention .

  9. 病毒学家正在登革热实验室检验方面支持卫生部,帮助收集和确认传播的主要菌株。

    The virologist is supporting the Ministry in laboratory detection of dengue and helping with the collection and identification of the predominant strain in circulation .

  10. 方法:通过查阅国内外微生物实验室应对突发公共卫生事件的相关资料和总结微生物实验室实际工作经验提出应对方案。

    Methods : Through refer the related data that the microbial laboratory how to deal the public health emergency and summarize the experience acquired from practice .

  11. 对象武汉大学实验动物中心P3级动物生物安全实验室设施。P3级动物生物安全实验室环境检测及卫生安全性评价研究

    Objects P3 Animal biology security laboratory of the experimental animal center of Wuhan University . The investigation of environment examination and sanitation security evaluation of P_3 animal biology security laboratory

  12. 目的为了解鼠疫布氏杆菌病洁净实验室空气净化程度,给今后该类型生物实验室的卫生评价提供基础资料。

    Object To understand the atomospheric cleanness in the bio-clean laboratory for plague and brucellosis control , provide basic data for hygienic evaluation on these kind of laboratories .

  13. 两次暴发的病毒已送往韦布里奇中央兽医实验室(联合王国)做进一步分析,这一实验室是世界动物卫生组织/粮农组织的参考实验室。

    Viruses from both outbreaks have been sent for further analysis to the Central Veterinary Laboratory Agency-Weybridge ( UK ), which is an OIE / FAO reference laboratory .