
  • 网络experimental game theory
  1. 实验博弈论研究的若干进展

    New Developments in Research on Experimental Game Theory

  2. 实验博弈论中的典型论题,如标准型博弈中的学习和均衡选择、AM机制、讨价还价问题等都获得了显著的进展。

    Remarkable progress has been made in EGT on such issues as learning and choice of equilibriums in standard games , AM mechanism , bargaining , etc.

  3. 关于最后通谍博弈和蜈蚣博弈,近年来相关的文献研究大量增加,各种实验设计巧妙,反映了实验博弈论研究的最新进展。

    In the research on ultimatum games and centipede games , there has been a great increase in intensive studies of relevant literature and variety of designs of experiments .