- 名line of actual control

In short , both sides should accept the present line of actual control .
Agreement on Peace and Tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas
A UN-backed Line of Control separates them .
It is because neither side knows where the Line of Actual Control is , in these areas .
Agreement on Confidence-Building Measures in the Military Field Along the Line of Actual Control in the China-India Border Areas
China and India concluded an Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity Along the Line of Actual Control in the Border Areas .
That both sides should strengthen exchanges and cooperation between their military personnel and establishments in the border areas along the line of actual control .
The Indian troops entered a mountain area in China after illegally crossing the Line of Actual Control at the border between the two countries .
During the peace-talks , Israel insists on the 1923 border to be the final border while Syria prefers the actual controlling lines before the 1967 War .
There are 3 historical borders between Syria and Israel : 1923 border , 1949 ceasefire line and the actual controlling line of both sides before the 1967 War .
That they should prevent air intrusions by military aircraft across the line of actual control and dangerous military activities in the areas along the line of actual control ;
South Asian nuclear neighbors , India , Pakistan and China , each control portions of Jammu and Kashmir divided by a ceasefire line called the Line of Control , and Actual Line of Control .
This sort of situation happens easily because the two sides have different understandings of the line of actual control , said Zhang Li , a professor at the Institute of South Asia Studies at Sichuan University .
Controlling the linear energy is good for preventing the cold crack when welding .