
shí jì kònɡ zhì xiàn
  • line of actual control
  1. 简言之,双方应该同意接受目前的实际控制线为边界。

    In short , both sides should accept the present line of actual control .

  2. 关于在中印边境实际控制线地区保持和平与安宁的协定

    Agreement on Peace and Tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas

  3. 联合国监督的印巴实际控制线把两国分隔开来。

    A UN-backed Line of Control separates them .

  4. 这是因为双方均不知道这些地区的实际控制线。

    It is because neither side knows where the Line of Actual Control is , in these areas .

  5. 中印关于在边境实际控制线地区军事领域建立信任措施的协定

    Agreement on Confidence-Building Measures in the Military Field Along the Line of Actual Control in the China-India Border Areas

  6. 中印缔结了《在边境实际控制线保持和平与安宁的协定》。

    China and India concluded an Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity Along the Line of Actual Control in the Border Areas .

  7. 加强实际控制线附近地区双方军事人员和机构的交往与合作等。

    That both sides should strengthen exchanges and cooperation between their military personnel and establishments in the border areas along the line of actual control .

  8. 印度军队非法越过两国边境的实际控制线,进入中国境内山地区域。

    The Indian troops entered a mountain area in China after illegally crossing the Line of Actual Control at the border between the two countries .

  9. 谈判中,以色列坚持以1923年边界作为两国实现最终和平的边界线,而叙利亚强调1967年战争前双方实际控制线。

    During the peace-talks , Israel insists on the 1923 border to be the final border while Syria prefers the actual controlling lines before the 1967 War .

  10. 历史上叙以之间存在着3条边界:1923年边界、1949年停火线和1967年战争前双方实际控制线。

    There are 3 historical borders between Syria and Israel : 1923 border , 1949 ceasefire line and the actual controlling line of both sides before the 1967 War .

  11. 防止发生军用飞行器飞越实际控制线的侵犯事件;防止实际控制线地区危险军事活动;

    That they should prevent air intrusions by military aircraft across the line of actual control and dangerous military activities in the areas along the line of actual control ;

  12. 印度、巴基斯坦和中国是三个拥有核武器的亚洲国家。三个国家各自控制查谟和克什米尔的部分地区,这些地区的分界线是名为“控制线”或“实际控制线”的一条停火界线。

    South Asian nuclear neighbors , India , Pakistan and China , each control portions of Jammu and Kashmir divided by a ceasefire line called the Line of Control , and Actual Line of Control .

  13. 这种情况很容易发生,因为双方对实际控制线有不同理解,四川大学南亚研究所教授张力表示。

    This sort of situation happens easily because the two sides have different understandings of the line of actual control , said Zhang Li , a professor at the Institute of South Asia Studies at Sichuan University .

  14. 在实际焊接中控制线能量有利于预防冷裂:纹的产生。

    Controlling the linear energy is good for preventing the cold crack when welding .