
  • 网络practical essence
  1. 马克思指出了社会及其发展的实践本质。

    Marx pointed out the practical essence of social development .

  2. 论人的实践本质

    On the Practical Essence of Man

  3. 认同性整合:社会主义核心价值体系的实践本质

    Approval Integration : The Practice Essence of Socialist Core Value System

  4. 中国特色社会主义的开放性及其实践本质

    On the Openness and Its Practice Essence of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  5. 语言具有社会存在和生活实践本质。

    Language has inner character of social existence and practice of living .

  6. 论意志在人的实践本质中的地位和作用

    On Functionality and Significance of Volition in Practical Nature of Human Being

  7. 社会主义政治的实践本质

    Essence of Practice of Socialist Politics

  8. 在这种学术关怀之中,他把工程界定为一种生产活动、一种富有创造性的制造活动,从而突显了工程的实践本质。

    He defined engineering as a kind of production activity and highlighted the practical essence of engineering .

  9. 应该紧紧把握住教学的实践本质,用实践的观点对教学主客体问题进行分析。

    Practice essence is the key to analyze the relationship between the subject and object of teaching .

  10. 人的实践本质的全面论证&马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》研究(总论)

    Total Demonstration About People 's Essential & Max 's 《 Economics and Philosophy Manuscript in 1844 》( General Talks )

  11. 道德的实践本质和道德教育的实践性特征决定了道德实践教育在整个德育工作中处于主导地位。

    The practical nature of the moral and MP make it necessary that the MPE play the leading role in the MP work .

  12. 对教育的实践本质的理解,引领我们回归生活世界,探索教育意义的实现。

    The understanding to the practical nature of education could bring us back to life and explore ways to accomplish the meaning of education .

  13. 对教育实践本质的理解是整体而不可分割的,教育的每一个细微之处都显示着教育的全部意义。

    The understanding to the practical nature of education is integrated and indivisible ; therefore , every particulars of education can show the entire meaning of it .

  14. 康德哲学以实践本质为特征,以三大批判,即《纯粹理性批判》、《实践理性批判》和《判断力批判》为主要内容构筑了完整的哲学体系。

    Kantianism constructs an integrated philosophy , which is characterized by practice essence and comprises of three critique , including noetics critique , practical reason critique and judgment critique .

  15. 马克思关于人的实践本质观既为我们澄清关于人的本质问题的种种困惑提供了认识论武器,又给当代人类实践的负效应以深切的人文关怀。

    Marxist opinion on human essence based on practice cleared various puzzles on the issue of human nature and also provided a deep humanity concern over the negative effectiveness of contemporary human practices .

  16. 所以,本文站在唯物史观的平台上对马克思历史意识的生成进行探讨,力图通过梳理马克思的思想历程,来更好的发掘马克思历史意识的实践本质和哲学革命的意义。

    Therefore , in thesis , writer uphold the stand of the materialist conception of history to probe the forming process of Marx 's historical consciousness , and try to elaborate the essence of practice .

  17. 人的精神存在和实践本质指出人是一个有意识的存在,而且人的精神存在和精神属性形成了人与动物的一个标志性的区别,是人的一个特有的世界。

    Human being is an existence of consciousness . And man 's spirit is one of the symbols which tell the difference with the animal . This spiritual world is the special area owned only by man .

  18. 建构深层发展伦理学的重要基础是对现代性、资本逻辑进行具体、历史的规律性反思。应具体理解伦理、发展伦理、发展伦理问题、发展伦理学的实践本质。

    To build the deep development ethics , need to embody the rule of modernity and the capital logic , need to embody the essence of the ethics , the problem of development ethics and the development ethics .

  19. 马克思从最初在人的本质问题上受费尔巴哈深深地影响到用异化劳动理论引出人的劳动本质再到最终形成人的实践本质的观点,是一个必然的逻辑过程。

    It is an inevitable logic for Marx to initially be deeply influenced by Feuerbach on discussing human essence and then on discussing dissimilation labor theory to demonstrate the essence of labor and , finally , to form human practice essence .

  20. 本文认为,从哲学层面上说,创新是对辩证法规律的反映和运用,是人类实践本质的展示,是社会生存和发展的生命力之所在。

    When viewed from the philosophical level , innovation is a reflection and application of dialectical laws , a demonstration of the true nature of human practice , and the location of the vitality of societal existence and development . Innovation is the highest level for thinking .

  21. 第二部分阐述了G·科琴对马克思实践哲学本质的理解,并分析和阐述了科琴对马克思历史、经济思想的分析和批判以及科琴对当代马克思主义发展的警示。

    In chapter II , the thesis explains the Gavin-kitching 's comprehension to the nature of Marx 's philosophy of Praxis , and analyses Gavin-kitching 's analysis and criticism to Marx 's historical and economic ideas and shows us Gavin-kitching 's warning to the development of contemporary Marxism .

  22. 马克思主义发展观的历史性与时代化统一于其实践性本质。

    Its historicity and times are integrated in its practical essence .

  23. 规范性是实践最本质的特性。

    The standardization characteristic is the most essential one in practice .

  24. 深刻理解实践的本质和丰富内容

    To Comprehend the Nature and Rich Content of Practice

  25. 我国农业产业化实践的本质和基本使命即在于此。

    This is the essence and basic mission of the agricultural industrialization in China .

  26. 实践的本质及实践对认识的意义&也谈马克思哲学的实践概念并与刘国章博士商榷

    Practical Essence and Practical Meaning in Understanding

  27. 虚拟实践的本质探析

    Analysis on the Nature of Virtual Practice

  28. 道德信仰的实践性本质

    The Practical Essence of Moral Belief

  29. 论马克思主义实践的本质

    On the Nature of Marxist Practice

  30. 实践的本质是以人自身为目的的对象性活动&论《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中关于实践的思想

    The Nature of Practice is Objectionable Activity for Man-self on Practice Thought in Economical Philosophical Manuscript in 1844