
  • 网络Real time Database;real-time databases;RTDB;Infoplus
  1. 实时数据库(RTDB)是SIS系统的核心,为其开发与应用提供了理想的平台,使其真正实现了管控一体化。

    RTDB ( Real-time Database ) is the kernel of SIS . As the flat floor of SIS , RTDB contributes a lot on the realization of combination of management and control .

  2. 工业实时数据库的研究和设计

    Research and Design of RTDB in Industry Control

  3. 基于实时数据库和XML的企业信息共享平台的研究

    The Research of Industry Information Platform Based On Real-Time Database and XML

  4. IP模式测控系统实时数据库的安全性研究数据库的安全性

    Study on Security for Real-time Database of IP Mode Measurement & Control System

  5. 基于Linux平台的实时数据库的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Database Based on Linux

  6. PI实时数据库与Matlab交互式开发模型研究

    Research on Mutual Model Based on PI Real-time Database and Matlab

  7. NET技术和实时数据库技术开发电厂信息系统的优势,并得出相关的结论。

    NET technology and real time database technology to develop information system , and draws some related conclusion .

  8. ARTDBL&基于SQL的主动实时数据库语言

    ARTDBL ── An active real-time database language based on SQL

  9. 实时数据库与DCS通讯接口的设计与实现

    Design and Realizing of Communication Interface Between Real-Time Database and DCS

  10. PI实时数据库系统的结构、管理及其应用

    Configuration and Management of PI Real-time Database and its Applications

  11. 基于SqlServer2000的组态软件实时数据库

    SQL Server 2000 Based Real-time Database of Configuration Software

  12. 客户应用程序与DCS实时数据库数据交换技术

    Technology of Data exchange between custom application program and DCS realtime database

  13. 最后,创建了实时数据库、WEB服务等功能模块并通过以太网为媒介,利用XML语言来把解释程序、实时数据库和WEB服务集成到底层可编程序控制器中,实现了一些上位机的功能。

    Finally , establish real-time database , WEB service module and integrate interpreter , real-time database and WEB service together through XML language .

  14. 基于ASP技术的石化企业实时数据库Intranet发布

    Intranet Publishing of the Petrochemical Enterprises Real Time Database Based on ASP Technologies

  15. 基于SN结构并行实时数据库的数据存储策略

    The strategy of data storage in Parallel Real-time Database based on SN

  16. 实时数据库采集现场的实时数据,利用PCA方法进行故障检测。

    The local data collected by real-time database are used for fault detection .

  17. 实时数据库PI在企业MES系统中的应用

    Application of Real-time Database PI in Enterprise MES System

  18. 在简单介绍SI引擎的基础上详细分析SI引擎中实时数据库的实现方法。

    Based on the brief introduction of SI engine , this paper analyzes the realization of real-time database in SI engine .

  19. 火电厂SIS系统中实时数据库平台的选择

    Selecting the scheme of real-time database for SIS in a power plant

  20. 简述了实时数据库系统和脚本技术,然后重点介绍了本文使用的ActiveXScripting技术,并综述了脚本技术在实时数据库系统的应用研究概况。

    Literatures on Real-time Database and script technology were surveyed ; review of ActiveX Scripting .

  21. 该智能化系统中各Agent对实时数据库的读写操作都是通过数据服务Agent提供的相关服务来实现。

    The reading and writing operation of the agents in the MAS to the real-time database are realized by using the correlative service provided by the agent of data service .

  22. CIMS环境下轧钢企业生产执行系统及实时数据库的研究与开发

    Researching and Developing for Manufacturing Execution System and Real Time Database of Steel Rolling Enterprise under CIMS Environment

  23. 全分散ISDN交换机嵌入式实时数据库设计

    Embeded Realtime Database Design of Totally Scattered ISDN Switch

  24. 以实时数据库组件为核心,在现场数据通信问题上采用OPC规范。

    The system used DCOM as basic structure with real - time database component as the core .

  25. 随后对各层进行具体分析设计,在分析了聚乙烯工艺计算控制功能的基础上,重点进行了实时数据库设计、基于Web的过程监视设计和各控制层之间数据接口的设计。

    Then based on the full consideration of polyethylene techniques , the design of Real-Time database , web-based process monitor user interface and data interchange in between the control layers were emphatically discussed .

  26. 在上述三个方面的工作中,本系统采用现场数据采集、OPC服务器、实时数据库、数据管理层四层结构和拓展了WEB访问的功能。

    The system uses an four-layer structure : Field Data Acquisition OPC Server 、 Real-Time Database Data Management Layer . The system also completes Expand Web Access Function .

  27. 为了满足数据采集和监控SCADA(SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition)系统中分布式实时数据库对关键数据的强一致性和节点数据完整性的要求,提出采用高速网络通信技术和网关模式相结合的方案。

    A solution combining high-speed network communication and gateway pattern is presented to realize the hard consistency and integrity of distributed real-time database system in SCADA ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ) .

  28. 实时数据库(RTDB)是SIS的核心,为SIS的开发提供了平台。

    Real-time database ( RTDB ) is the kernel and flat floor of SIS .

  29. 利用COM技术对实时数据库进行了封装;塑封模具设计中力的分析与计算

    The second , encapsulating the Real-Time Database by employing the COM ( Component Object Model ) technologies . Analysis of the force of encapsulating molding

  30. 本文讨论了COM的基本原理和开发,实时数据库的基本原理,以及在此基础上开发的闸门自动监控系统。

    This paper discusses the basic principle and development of COM and Real Time Database , and develops Automatic Strobe Control System based on these principles .