- 网络real-time task;Hard Real-Time Task;Soft Real-Time Task

Real-Time Task Plan for Human-Robot Interaction of Micro-assembly Robot Based on XML
Programming of periodic real-time task in Linux
Standard Linux kernel is non-preemptive , which leads to long latency .
Fault-tolerant scheduling for real-time tasks with QoS requirements on heterogeneous clusters .
The Application of AP in Large Real Time Task
For the periodic real-time task sets on uniprocessor systems , FT / FA ( fault-tolerance / frequency assurance ) scheduling of imprecise computation was proposed .
The Study and Desing of Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms in OPC Real-Time Task System
Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Tasks in Distributed Control System based on RMS
Through the dynamic dispatching of realtime tasks in the control system , utilization of CPU can be improved .
With the development of Internet protocol ( IP ) broadband technology , a lot of multimedia information and real tasks in Internet steadily increases .
The experiment result proves that the improvement enables Linux to scheduling the realtime task of microsecond grade in the situation of not increasing system load .
Modeling and scheduling for real-time tasks in FF System
The scheduler can also be faced with such conflicting goals as minimizing response times for critical real-time tasks while maximizing overall CPU utilization .
By using message drive mechanism of Windows and timer interruption , multi task and real time task are solved in EDM NC ( numeric control ) system successfully .
Implementation of Real Time Scheduling in ORB
This suspends execution of the shell , so your real work needs to be running in another shell , which you accomplish by placing the task in the background using the & character .
The thesis study deeply about the algorithm of placer and scheduler for reconfigurable system , and solves the on-line real-time task placement and scheduling problems in 2D area model .
Putting forward the principles of real-time task splitting , and furthermore , offering the realizable mechanism in MT_UCOS ;
The CFS scheduling module uses it for group scheduling , while the scheduling module for a real-time task does not use it .
To ensure that the basic QOS ( Quality of Service ) needs of individual tasks in the task set , via changing realtime tasks ′ cycle , the realtime System can accept service requests as much as possible and achieve high system throughput .
In reconfigurable system , circuit configure information is stored in static RAM and is susceptible to electromagnetic interference which can cause circuit fault . So a fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm is proposed to improve system reliability .
According to the characteristic of ASOS and real-time task , an approach based on RM ( rate-monotonic ) algorithm , NPT ( non-preemptive threshold ) algorithm is investigated .
In Vx Works , these events were finished through the real-time task , such as the GOOSE message sending and receiving , reading the input status and finishing the output signal , and semaphores was communicated between these tasks .
The best-fit heuristics try to find " best-fit " processors for scheduling primary copies such that as many backup copies as possible can be executed passively .
Experimental results show that RPDS can allocate processor time to various application classes reasonably and reduce the deadline miss ratio of real-time tasks effectively .
RPDS partitions CPU time flow into continuous segments , and in each segment RPDS will forcibly assign one time slice to non-hard real-time tasks .
The soft real-time tasks and non real-time tasks were put into the other run queue pointed by run_ - queue [ 1 ] , the other element of the point array , and RR schedule strategy was used for them .
On the basis of analyzing the task characteristics of the control systems of magnetic bearings and the characteristics of the classical RM and EDF algorithms , a real time task scheduling algorithm is presented , which has intelligent decision ability .
The algorithm adopts the scheduling principle of earliest latest staring time first , which will reflect different emergency levels of real time tasks . The algorithm constructs a fast and correct empty resource management and is based on configuration reuse .
Timing-Critical Task Dynamic Scheduling Problem with Resource-Restraint in Distributed Computer System