- 名full verb;lexical verb

In this sense , when we are talking about necessity , we generally prefer need to / do not need to .
On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .
" Please " has two usages of Verb and respects .
Syntactic Analysis of " Notional Be + Not " Structure
Many intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form compound predicate sentence patterns .
The second part is a list of synonymous groups .
The mud is not getting cold . It 's getting warm .
This paper explores how some notional verbs merge into the relative clause structure .
The third part is an analysis on the forming method of the synonym .
Up to now , the mechanics of " notional be + not " structure seems not satisfactorily explained .
The principal parts Some intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the sentence patterns , which are active in form but passive in meaning .
Different from lexical verbs and other auxiliaries , the tense morpheme and modals are schematic verbs whose actual meanings are elaborated by the lexical verbs incorporated with them .
Some transitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the set phrases , which are just like the transitive verbs and can take the objects , or can be used in the passive voice .
The studies of WSD have mainly focused on the representation of semantic information , the improvement of the technique and the perfection of the algorithms for the WSD of the notional verbs and nouns .
Thus we reclassify Chinese VP ellipsis into three categories and the three categories that we propose in this thesis include : the shi construction , the modal verb construction and the content verb construction .
" Notional be + not " structure is a kind of common linguistic phenomenon in the English language , for example , " he is not a student " or " he is not happy " .
This thesis , from the point of Mongolian language information processing , use the statistical methods , discusses about the Verb Collocation In Mongolian language , and describes the Collocation rules by the way of formalization .
The phenomenon that two notional verbs in a sequence simultaneously occur in a simple sentence exists in both English and Chinese . This kind of phenomenon is called Serial Verb Construction ( SVC ) in this thesis .