
  • 网络Quantitative assessment;quantitatively evaluating;evaluation;Quantitative evaluation
  1. 多层螺旋CT与超声对比定量评估左心功能

    Multislice CT versus echocardiography for quantitative assessment of left ventricular function

  2. 基于GIS的配电网供电可靠性定量评估系统研究

    Research of quantitative assessment system for distribution network reliability based on GIS

  3. 黑龙江省电网AGC定量评估与经济补偿方法

    Method of AGC quantitative evaluation and economy compensation for Heilongjiang Power Grid

  4. 基于RS与GIS唐山市城镇扩展对耕地产能影响的定量评估

    Quantitative assessment of urban expansion impact on comprehensive productivity of cultivated land in Tangshan city based on RS and GIS

  5. 最后,以一实例定量评估了基于广义测量的FACTS控制的效果。

    Finally , a quantitative assessment for the benefits of wide-area control of FACTS based on a realistic test case is presented .

  6. 在风险评估方面,采用蒙特卡罗模拟与Matlab程序相结合的方法进行了定量评估,另外应用记分法对管理风险进行了定性评估。

    In risk assessment , the thesis use Monte-Carlo and Matlab on quantitative assessment . , and use mark record on qualitative assessment .

  7. 利用人体肺部PM浓度模型定量评估广州市夏、冬季抽样人群PM(2.5)的暴露

    PM_ ( 2.5 ) Exposure Assessment of Investigation-involved Persons in Guangzhou City by Using Human Lung Particulate Concentration Model

  8. 目的:提出基于高阶过零(HOC)的方法并利用EEG检测由于缺氧窒息而引起的中枢神经系统损伤及对损伤程度进行定量评估。

    Objectives : To develop two higher order crossings ( HOC ) based EEG analysis methods for the brain injury detection and quantification .

  9. 本文用多种正常工况下的实测数据,通过kμ估计方法的定量评估,得到Hill公式适合冷轧机应用的结论。

    It is concluded that Hill formula is suitable for tandem cold mill through the quantitative estimation by use of actual measuring data under many job states .

  10. 该模型可用来定量评估雷达网抗ARM的能力,也可作为论证、改造雷达网的参考依据。

    Evaluation model of antagonizing ARM of radar netting for air information based on anti-ARM capability of single radar and the extra gains of radar netting is established .

  11. 依据模糊决策理论,提出了一种结合三角模糊数和层次分析法(AHP)定量评估信息安全风险的方法。

    Based on the fuzzy decision theory , a quantitative evaluation method of information security risk is proposed , combining with triangular fuzzy number and AHP .

  12. 单肾积水术后患肾功能定量评估以患肾血流灌注率(BPR)为指标。

    The major index of quantitative evaluation of renal function is the change of renal blood perfusion rate ( BPR ) .

  13. 35/10kV配电网规划中的可靠性定量评估

    Evaluation of a 35 / 10kV Electric Distribution System Reliability Level

  14. 基于GIS的生态系统服务功能价值评估与权衡模型(InVEST)可用于定量评估生态系统服务功能及价值,在国外已经有较好的应用成果。

    Evaluation of the integrate valuation of ecosystem services and tradeoffs tool could be used for quantitative evaluation of ecosystem service function and value , in foreign countries it has achieved good application .

  15. 因此,建立有效的WSN路由安全评估模型和拓扑的安全性定量评估模型,提高路由和拓扑控制的安全性,有效控制风险,将成为研究的新热点。

    Therefore , establishing effective routing security evaluation models , advancing safety of routing and topological , controlling risks will be more important in future research .

  16. 结论MSCT灌注成像是一种准确且相对简单、便捷的定量评估软组织肿瘤性病变血流灌注状态的功能成像方法。

    Conclusion MSCT perfusion is an accurate and relatively simple functional imaging technique to give a quantitative assessment of blood perfusion of soft-tissue tumors .

  17. 为此,我们利用室内培养试验,通过~(15)N示踪物标记蚯蚓,定量评估了蚯蚓排泄分泌的氮对土壤氮的贡献,并探讨了蚯蚓作用下土壤微生物生物量及活性的变化。

    Therefore , we used ~ ( 15 ) N-labeled method to determine the contribution of earthworm to soil nitrogen pool by excreted nitrogen , and to explain the effects and mechanisms of earthworms on soil native nitrogen mineralization .

  18. 本文提出了在基于BPEL业务流程的组合服务中实现软件容错的方法,并对其可靠性和性能进行了定量评估。

    In this dissertation , we propose an approach to implement software fault tolerance by service composition , and evaluate their reliability and performance measure . 5 .

  19. 因此,这些营销策略的提出具有一定的理论依据和实际价值。再次,对上一部分中提出的营销策略体系,运用AHP的方法进行了定量评估。

    Therefore , these marketing strategies have made a theoretical basis and practical value . Thirdly , the marketing strategy of the proposed system is assessed , using a quantitative method of AHP assessment .

  20. 目的:评估冠心病缺血节段心肌收缩功能的异常,探讨QTVI技术对冠心病不同节段心肌收缩运动失同步化进行定量评估的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the Ischemia-related Regional Myocardial Asynchrony in systolic using quantitative tissue velocity imaging .

  21. 在此基础上,引入人均GDP,万元GDP生态足迹等指标定量评估了河北省生态经济系统的发展能力,找出生态与经济发展失衡主要原因。

    Then , the development capacity of Hebei was qualitatively analyzed with GDP per capita and ecological footprint per ten thousands GDP to find out the major factor which affect the imbalance development between ecologic and economic .

  22. 目的通过16层螺旋CT(MSCT)与超声左心容积数据的对比,初步探讨MSCT定量评估左心功能在心容积数据方面的准确性及可行性。

    Objective To explore the accuracy and feasibility of 16-slice spiral CT ( MSCT ) in evaluating the left ventricular function through comparing left ventricular volume data obtained by MSCT with data gained by echocardiography .

  23. 本文对脑神经胶质瘤的定量评估问题进行了研究,利用DTI和ASL联合的多模态磁共振成像方式,解决了胶质瘤分级的几个关键性问题。

    The use of multimodality MRI , which combines the technologies of DTI and ASL , has solved several critical problems on gliomas grading .

  24. 目的:心率变异性(heartratevariability,HRV)是指连续心搏间瞬时心率的微小涨落,可以定量评估心脏交感神经和迷走神经的活动性、平衡性及其对心血管系统的影响。

    Objectives : Heart rate variability ( HRV ) refers to minor differences between cardiac cycle , which can offer a quantitative evaluation of the tenseness and the balance of the sympathetic and vagus nerve activities and their effect on cardiovascular motion .

  25. CT灌注成像(CTperfusion,CTP)作为主要功能成像的一种,能准确、相对简洁的定量评估器官、组织血流灌注状态,因此具有广阔的临床应用前景。

    As one of the primary function imaging , CT perfusion imaging can provide a precise and relative simple method to quantitatively estimate blood perfusion status in organs and tissue , so it will have broad prospect for clinical application .

  26. 目的采用国际通用的康奈尔医学量表(CornellMedicalIndex,CMI)全面地定量评估独生子女大学本科生的身心健康。

    Objective Adopting the internationally commonly used Cornell Medical Index ( CMI ) to make complete quantitative evaluation of the psychosomatic health status of only-child undergraduates .

  27. 结果表明:它们是定量评估被动FTIS探测性能和光谱鉴别器的重要工具。

    The simulated spectra will be useful in quantitative assessing performance of FTIS sensors and spectral discriminator .

  28. 目的:利用鼻声反射技术(acousticrhinometry,AR)对腺样体肥大儿童的鼻气道开放程度进行客观定量评估,同时结合X-线头颅测量法观察腺样体肥大对儿童颌面发育的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the condition of nasal airway objectively and quantificationally by acoustic rhinometry ( AR ) and combining roentgenographic cephalometry to observe the effects of dentofacial development in children with adenoid hypertrophy .

  29. 然后进行定量评估,定量评估分两部分组成,首先采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对我国13个创新型科技园区建设试点园区进行效率评价。

    Then we did the quantitative evaluation , the quantitative evaluation divided into two parts , first , we did efficiency evaluation of 13 construction of pilot Innovative Science and Technology Parks using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) method .

  30. 在为期三年研究中,我们在每年末都开展了干预措施覆盖范围和供应商成本的定量评估,还针对CDI过程开展定性评估。

    At the end of each of the three study years , we performed quantitative evaluations of intervention coverage and provider costs , as well as qualitative assessments of the CDI process .