
dìng jú
  • foregone conclusion;finally;settle;final conclusion;inevitable outcome;settle finally;make a final decision;unchangeable conclusion
定局 [dìng jú]
  • [unchangable conclusion;final conclusion;inevitable outcome] 确定的不可改变的局面或形势

  • [settle;finally] 做出最后决定;使免于不确定、不清楚或争论

  • 事情还没定局,明天可以再议

定局[dìng jú]
  1. 这场足球赛,谁胜谁负已成定局。

    The outcome of this football game is a foregone conclusion .

  2. 在过去的两年里,通信界发生了各种转型,商业模式的转型、业务的转型、网络技术的转型,特别是电信网络全面IP化已成定局。

    Over the past two years , there have been various communications sector restructuring , business model transformation , business transformation , the transformation of network technologies , in particular the comprehensive IP-based telecommunications network is a foregone conclusion .

  3. 合并之事远未成定局。

    The merger is by no means a done deal yet .

  4. 战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。

    Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable .

  5. 现在为时已晚,来不及回头。事情已成定局了。

    It was too late and too urgent to turn back . The die was cast .

  6. 事情还没定局。

    The matter hasn 't come to a decision yet .

  7. 已成定局,无可挽回。

    The die is cast .

  8. 整个事情已成定局。

    The whole thing has been wrapped up .

  9. 我就知道他们会赢得足球比赛的,赛果早已成定局!

    I knew they 'd win the football match – the result was written in the stars !

  10. 除非微软在移动平台上作出引人瞩目的改进,否则移动版的IE消失将成定局。

    Unless Microsoft does something dramatic on mobiles , IE 's mobile extinction is almost inevitable .

  11. 世纪之交,中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的进程逐渐加快,保险市场的对外开放已成定局。

    In the beginning of the new century , the progress of China joining in WTO ( World Trade Organization ) has been speeded up .

  12. 其结果是,2009年上半年国内生产总值(GDP)增长5%现在已成定局,而不再是一种风险。

    As a result , 5 per cent [ gross domestic product ] growth in the first half of 2009 is now a reality , not a risk .

  13. 由于摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)不可阻挡的前进步伐为计算能力带来了指数式增长,深蓝在人机大战中最终大获全胜几乎是定局——这只是个时间问题。

    Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore 's law - bringing exponential increases in computing capacity - it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end : it was just a matter of time .

  14. 现在看来,雅虎(Yahoo)以11亿美元天价收购轻博客网站Tumblr已成定局。

    It looks like yahoohas offered to buy Tumblr for the sticker-shock price of $ 1.1 billion .

  15. 交接班很可能尚未成定局,驻北京的政治分析人士墨儒思(RussellLeighMoses)表示。

    The succession is probably not yet a done deal , said Russell Leigh Moses , a Beijing-based political analyst .

  16. 另一方面,中国加入WTO已成定局,国外大企业将与中国企业在同一个市场、同一种待遇下展开竞争。

    On the other hand , China 's entering of WTO will surely bring lots of very competitve multinational companies into China , and in the same market and with the same national treatment , these foreign companies will fight the Chinese counterparts without any sympathy .

  17. 欧元区陷入5年多来首次通缩,使得欧洲央行(ECB)启动大规模政府债券购买计划几乎已成定局,尽管德国反对此举。

    The eurozone fell into deflation for the first time in more than five years , making it a near certainty that the European Central Bank will embark on a full-scale government bond-buying spree despite German opposition .

  18. (船上)驾驶舱,操舵室建于船上驾驶台的封闭区,船在航行中由其控制好的或者糟糕的路线以及紧随其后的结果在CEO进入操舵室前就已成定局了。

    An enclosed area , usually on the bridge of a vessel , from which the vessel is controlled when under way . Good or bad , that course and the event that followed were already set before the CEO entered the pilothouse .

  19. 事实上,中国央行(PBoC)上周将银行存款准备金率下调了100个基点,这是2008年以来最大幅度的单次下调。然而,经济增长放缓已成定局,今年内不太可能出现真正转机。

    Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .

  20. 选举结果已成定局。

    The result of the election is now cut and dried .

  21. 此事已成定局,我们不能再去斟酌它了。

    It is settled and therefore we cannot go behind it .

  22. 然而,所有这一切都远非定局。

    Yet all of these disciplines are far more open now .

  23. 一个更大的混乱形式在2011几成定局。

    An even bigger mess seems all but certain in 2011 .

  24. 不管怎么说,现在结果是已成定局了。

    Anyways , the mystery is solved once and for all .

  25. 我们所知道的是,无论存活还是解体,一切都未成为定局。

    All we know is that neither survival nor disintegration is certain .

  26. 还有,既然法律诉讼已成定局

    Plus , now that this lawsuit 's been settled ,

  27. 她对姑妈的死至今仍悲伤不已。事情已成定局,用不着为它过分悲伤。

    She is still very sad over the death of her aunt .

  28. 这场比赛以微弱比分差距定局。

    The game was decided by a very narrow margin .

  29. 这则成语意思是指:事情已成定局,不能更改。

    This idiom means : What is done can 't be undone .

  30. 他就要成为她的丈夫了,这已成为定局。

    He was to be her husband . It was established so .