
dìng jià
  • fix a price;make a price;set price;fixed price;bid;charge;pricing
定价 [dìng jià]
  • (1) [bid]∶规定价格

  • 定价一万元

  • (2) [charge]∶规定的价格

  • 货品定价很高

定价[dìng jià]
  1. 应用DEA方法评价污水处理厂相对效率,并将评价结果用于污水处理定价,得到了基于DEA方法的污水处理定价模型。

    The paper evaluates relative efficiency in sewage treatment plant by using DEA method and applies evaluation result to fix a price for sewage treatment so as to get a model for fixed price based on DEA method .

  2. 网络经济下信息产品的定价

    Fix a Price of the Information Products in the Network Economics

  3. 基本款式的定价大多数人都完全负担得起。

    The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people .

  4. 这些货品定价过高。

    These goods are priced too high .

  5. Digital公司新产品的定价比同类主机的一半还要低。

    Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes

  6. 这些商品定价合理,很是划算。

    The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value .

  7. 该公司说他们能够使定价保持竞争力。

    The company say they 're able to keep pricing competitive

  8. 目前在定价上和政府还有争议。

    It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing .

  9. 任何房产如果6周内还卖不出去就说明定价过高。

    Any property which does not sell within six weeks is overpriced .

  10. 店员拿起书,核对了一下封底的定价。

    The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover

  11. 现成的床罩定价200英镑起。

    The ready-made bedcovers cost from £ 200 .

  12. 菜单上的定价非常合理。

    There is a very reasonably priced menu .

  13. 那个杯子价值连城,无法定价。

    That cup is priceless . You can 't put a value on it .

  14. 我们需要商讨一下我们的定价策略。

    We need to discuss our pricing strategy .

  15. 这家店里衣服定价偏高。

    The clothes in this shop are priced high .

  16. 这本字典定价5元。

    The dictionary is priced five yuan .

  17. 要按质定价,不能一抹平。

    The prices should be different , fixed according to quality .

  18. 这种衬衫每件定价八十元。

    The marked price of these shirts is80 yuan each .

  19. 最近在埃及外海发现的Zohr大气田终将影响地中海和欧洲地区石油的定价,并且在其他许多地方也有巨大的发展潜力,特别是阿根廷。

    The   recent   discovery   of   the giant   Zohr   gas   field   off   the   Egyptian   coast   will   eventually   have   impact   on   pricing   in   the Mediterranean   region   and   Europe ,   and   there   is   significant   development   potential   in   many   other places ,   notably   Argentina .

  20. 政府应出台安全要求,并让保险公司依据生产商而非乘客的驾驶记录给机器人进行风险定价。

    Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer 's driving record , not the passenger 's.

  21. 原因是当碳被定价时,最低成本的减排措施会首先实施。

    The   reason   is   that   when   carbon   is   priced ,   those   emissions reductions   that   are   least   costly   to   implement   will   happen   first .

  22. 迫切需要通过纠正碳定价等措施来恢复合理的价格刺激,以降低气候变化引起的不可逆转或潜在的破坏性影响的风险。

    Actionto   restore   appropriate   price   incentives ,   notably   through   corrective   carbon   pricing ,   is   urgently needed   to   lower   the   risk   of   irreversible   and   potentially   devastating   effects   of   climate   change .

  23. 为了使全球福利最大化,各国的碳定价不仅要反映出碳排放对本国的损害,还要反映出对他国的损害。

    In   order   to   maximize   global   welfare ,   every   country 's   carbon   pricing   should   reflect not   only   the   purely   domestic   damage   from   emissions ,   but   also   the   damage   to   foreign countries .

  24. 对上游碳源征税是对碳排放定价的一种简单可行方法,尽管一些国家可能希望使用其他方法,比如排放权交易机制。

    A   tax   on   upstream   carbon   sources   is   one   easy   way   to   put   a   price   on   carbone missions ,   although   some   countries   may   wish   to   use   other   methods ,   such   as   emissions   trading schemes .

  25. 他的创造力在诸如iPod,iphone和iPad这样的产品中可见一斑,以及在对音乐和在线手机软件进行定价和推销的新商业模式中得以体现。

    His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod , iPhone , and iPad , and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online .

  26. 罗杰斯计划将“零度之下”冰淇淋机卖给那些想给顾客带去惊喜的酒吧和酿酒厂。据《Metro》杂志报道,冰淇淋机的定价约为6000美元(约合人民币3.9万元)。

    The American inventor plans to sell Below Zero ice cream machines to bars and breweries reports that machines will sell for about $ 6000 .

  27. 我可以很肯定的说我超爱我的中国手机——小米的红米Note3pro,这款手机很便宜,但用起来像是值手机定价280美元的两倍,而且它完全可定制、灵巧,并且内存很大。

    I would definitely have to say that I love my Chinese-brand Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro3 . This phone is cheap , performs as if it costs twice it ’ s $ 280 price , is completely customizable , slick , and has a whole lot of memory storage .

  28. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。

    The goods are ( not ) competitively priced .

  29. 此外还推出了灵活定价机制,为常旅客和商务出行人群提供优惠票价。

    A flexible pricing mechanism , offering preferential ticket prices for commuters and frequent travelers .

  30. “个性化定价”指的是针对同一件商品,为不同的顾客提供不同零售价的定价策略。

    Personalized pricing refers to offering different retail1 prices to different customers for the same product .