
  • 网络complete set;perfect set;All About Shirley
  1. 设G是有限群,称Z是G的一个Sylow子群完全集,如果对G的每一个素因子p,Z包含G的一个且仅一个Sylowp-子群。

    Suppose G is a finite group . Z is called a complete set of Sylow subgroups of G if for each prime p dividing the order of G , Z contains exactly one and only one Sylow p-subgroup of G.

  2. 互连矩阵最小完全集的一种应用

    An Application of Minimum Complete Set of Interconnection Matrix

  3. 本文给出了康托型集的定义并且证明了任一疏朗完全集是一个康托型集,此外我们还给出了疏朗完全集的势为x的一个新的证明。

    In this note we gave the definition of Cantor-type sets and proved that every nowhere dense perfect set is a Cantor-type set . Moreover we gave a new proof for each nonempty perfect set to have the power x.

  4. 由于挖掘密集型数据的频繁模式完全集非常困难,因而改进了传统的FP-树结构并提出了一种基于改进FP-树的最大频繁模式挖掘算法IFP-MAX;

    Because mining complete set of frequent patterns from dense database could be impractical , in this paper , the structure of a traditional FP-tree is improved and an algorithm ( called IFP-MAX ) for mining maximal frequent patterns based on improved FP-tree is proposed .

  5. 完全集上的连续可微函数的开拓

    Extensions of Continuous Differentiable Functions Defined in Perfect Sets

  6. 疏朗完全集的构造

    The Construction of Nowhere Dense Perfect Sets

  7. 复杂性集类中的完全集问题

    The Complete Set Problem in Complexity Classes

  8. 本文完全用初等的方法证明了完全集上连续可微函数都有可微开拓。

    By very elementary method , it is proved that every continuous differentiable function defined in a perfect set has differentiable extension .

  9. 该方法包括标准谱完全集的获得,加权最小二乘解谱,灵敏度及归一化参数刻度等关键环节。

    The method includes acquisition of a standard spectra 's closure set , spectra fitting with the weighted-least square method , and calibration of the elemental relative sensitivity and the normalized parameters .

  10. 频繁闭合模式集惟一确定频繁模式完全集并且数量小得多,然而,如何挖掘滑动窗口中的频繁闭合模式集是一个很大的挑战。

    The set of frequent closed patterns determines exactly the complete set of all frequent patterns and is usually much smaller than the latter . But how to mine frequent closed patterns from a sliding window is a very big challenge .