
wán quán jìnɡ zhēnɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • perfect competition market
  1. 从市场中的厂商、产品、价格等要素来看,我国目前的审计市场显示为完全竞争市场。

    The auditing market in China is a perfect competition market now , judging from the market factor such as suppliers , products , price and so on .

  2. 结合国际上审计行业发展经验,本文认为,我国的审计市场类型将经历从完全竞争市场到寡头垄断市场的转变过程。

    The development of international auditing trade also supports that . So the auditing market in China will also transfer from a perfect competition market to an oligopoly monopoly market .

  3. 列表和描述完全竞争市场的特点。

    List and describe the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market .

  4. 在完全竞争市场,这只是暂时的。

    In a perfectly competitive market , this can only be temporary .

  5. 同时,放弃了通常的完全竞争市场的假设。

    And we give up the usual assumption of completely competitive market .

  6. 简述完全竞争市场之外的其他市场?

    Briefly describe the types of markets other than perfectly competitive markets .

  7. 市场差异是非完全竞争市场结构形成的基础,也是中小商业银行赖以存在与发展的基础。

    Market difference is the foundation of surviving and developing .

  8. 不完全竞争市场是探矿权市场的最佳选择;

    No-full competitive market is the optimum select of prospecting right markets .

  9. 农产品市场近似于完全竞争市场。

    Agricultural product markets nearly belong to complete competition .

  10. 不完全竞争市场环境下注册会计师行为选择研究

    A Study of CPA Behavior under Incomplete Competitive Market

  11. 第三章是不完全竞争市场条件下比较优势的静态分析。

    The third one focuses on the static comparative advantages on imperfect competition .

  12. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  13. 市场势力的存在阻碍着电力工业完全竞争市场的形成。

    Existence of market power hinders the emergence of complete competitive market in power industry .

  14. 在完全竞争市场下的最大利润。

    Profit maximization in perfect competition-standard treatment .

  15. 非完全竞争市场的宏观经济优化模型

    Macroeconomic Optimal Models of Imperfect Competitive Markets

  16. 现实经济生活中的资源配置,无一不是在非完全竞争市场状态中进行的。

    All allocation of resources in the economic world are actually done under imperfect competition .

  17. 最后,不完全竞争市场和政府管制价格都促使价格粘性的增强。

    Last , the non-competitive market and the government administrative price further strengthen the price stickiness .

  18. 首先,电子商务市场没有趋向于无摩擦的完全竞争市场。

    Firstly , E-commerce market will not trend to be frictionless , a complete competitive market .

  19. 二是西方经济学反垄断理论使我们认识到,应避免教条主义地应用完全竞争市场模型来构建反垄断的理论基础;

    We known from western economy theory , we should avoid the completely competitive market model .

  20. 并将完全竞争市场模型、主导-竞争性边缘市场模型、拍卖机制原理运用在碳排放权交易市场中,以期探寻我国碳排放权交易市场的建立。

    We use the perfectly competitive market model , dominant-fringe model and auction mechanism in our study .

  21. 高等教育大众化时期,教育市场将是一个完全竞争市场。

    Education market will be a completely competitive market in the period of higher education 's popularity .

  22. 完全竞争市场及对其评论

    Commentary on Perfect Competitive Market

  23. 完全竞争市场这一假设意味着经济主体面临的是一个确定的经济环境。

    The assumption of completed competitive market means a certain economy environment which economy main body is confronted with .

  24. 电力市场是不完全竞争市场,发电企业将通过竞标策略来追求最大的收益。

    Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets . Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies .

  25. 在完全竞争市场,价格由需求和供给的相互作用来确定。

    In perfect competition , the price in the market is set by the interaction of demand and supply .

  26. 应用实物期权方法研究完全竞争市场环境下的供应链管理中的能力决策问题。

    This paper applies the real-option approach to study the capacity decision in supply chain management under perfect competitive markets .

  27. 这样的企业在完全竞争市场上不能将外部性内在化,配置资源效率低下。

    In the competitive market , such enterprises can 't make externality internality and have low effects in resources ' distribution .

  28. 广告作为一种与不完全竞争市场相联系的经济行为,在房地产市场拥有巨大的影响力。

    As an economic activity related with imperfect market , the advertisement has the huge influence in the real estate market .

  29. 产业组织或产业经济学是以不完全竞争市场的运行和绩效以及这些市场上的企业行为为研究对象的。

    The traditional approach in industrial organization is primarily empirical : researchers in this tradition try to uncover empirical regularities across industries .

  30. 现代经济学理论认为,在充分竞争市场下,由于买卖双方都是价格接受者,各方均缺乏制定价格的能力,因此在完全竞争市场上不存在定价权的问题。

    Modern economic theory that , in a highly competitive market , buyers and sellers are due to the price of recipients .