
  • 网络Quiet Night;Evening Tranquility;Silent night
  1. 那安静的夜也就是多星的夜。

    His still night was his starry night .

  2. 对一个诗人最好的奖赏无非是一个安静清冷的夜,无人知晓,无人怀念。

    The best reward to a poet is a quiet cleaning night , no one imagines be , no one memorializes to .

  3. 与您的爱人,而不是在家里安静的梦幻之夜,你更感兴趣的是好玩的,有趣的,自发的相互作用。

    Rather than quiet dreamy date nights at home , you are more interested in playful , fun , and spontaneous interactions with your sweetheart .

  4. 这位37岁的王室成员在周五和她的丈夫哈里王子度过了一个安静的情人节之夜后,于周五飞往纽约开始了为期五天的惊喜之旅。

    The 37-year-old royal is understood to have flown into the city on Friday for a surprise five-day trip after spending a quiet Valentine 's Day evening with her husband , Prince Harry .