
  • 网络Ontario;ain
  1. 安省资源保护官员协会(OCOA)希望能确保每个人都能在省里的河流湖泊里有一个安全而快乐的冬天。

    The Ontario Conservation Officers Association ( OCOA ) wants to help ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable winter on the province 's lakes and rivers .

  2. 他的目标远不仅仅是获地安省新的出口市场。

    His goal went well beyond securing new markets for Ontario exports .

  3. 本校是一所安省注册的非谋利学校。

    This school is registered under Ontario legislation as a non-profit organization .

  4. 安省政府如何管理高中教学?

    How queen 's Park regulates secondary school education ?

  5. 大部分安省大学将于四月底公布第一轮录取名单。

    Many Ontario universities announce first round admission decisions later in the month .

  6. 我们建议这些客户同时联系安省证券委员会和我们机构。

    We suggest that these clients approach both OSC and us , said Melville .

  7. 安省垃圾处理方案在哪?

    Where 's the plan for Ontario trash ?

  8. 据资料显示,基奇纳属于安省,以教育和高科技著称。

    It is showed by the data that Kitchener , belonging to Ontario , is famous for advanced education and high Technology .

  9. 一个你贷款的数字的改变将影响到你的安省学生优惠的资格。

    A change to the amount of loan you are entitled to receive may affect your eligibility for an Ontario Student Opportunity Grant .

  10. 但如果我们仅仅将我们的美国分支工厂加上中国分支工厂,安省将无法在日益激烈的全球竞争中获胜。

    But Ontario will not come out a net winner in this increasingly fierce global competition if we merely augment our American branch plants with Chinese branch plants .

  11. 安省政府期待从渥太华得到10亿元的横财,以帮助扩展史巴第那地铁线和改善整个大多伦多地区的交通状况。

    The Ontario government is expecting a $ 1 billion windfall from Ottawa that will help extend the Spadina subway line and improve transportation throughout the Greater Toronto area .