
  1. 与此同时,40名FAA机场安检员在无偿工作。

    Meanwhile , 40 FAA airport safety inspectors are working without pay .

  2. 看到瓶内已空,安检员注意到该女子行为古怪。

    Seeing that the container was empty , the security worker noticed that the woman was acting strangely .

  3. 安检员许育瑜告诉看看新闻的记者,行李里面有一个白色塑料袋,袋子里面有很多黑色的物体在移动。

    There was a white plastic bag with lots of black items moving inside , security guard Xu Yuyu told Kankan News .

  4. 当被问到为何要带这些蟑螂坐飞机时,老先生告诉安检员说,这些蟑螂是治疗他妻子的皮肤病的药膏。

    When asked why they were transporting the cockroaches , the husband told officials that they were an ointment for his wife 's skin .

  5. 上周六在广州白云国际机场,安检员在一名韩国女乘客的行李内查获一瓶液体,将其拦下检查。

    A Korean woman was stopped at a security checkpoint at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport on Saturday after customs officers spotted a bottle of liquid in her luggage .

  6. 安全检查员是煤矿企业的特殊工种,加强安检员的管理,对安全生产有举足轻重的作用。

    The safe inspector is a special work post of coal mine . It has very important function to safety in production to strengthen the management of the safe inspectors .

  7. 三维信息档案管理包括:三违人员信息档案管理,干部绩效考核管理,安检员日常考核管理三个子功能。

    File management of three violations information include three sub-functions : file management of three violations personnel information , leaders ' performance assessment management , screeners ' daily appraisal management .

  8. 该名乘客被要求开包检查,但她趁安检员不注意时迅速打开瓶子,将瓶内液体一饮而尽。

    The passenger was asked to open her bag for inspection , but when the security worker wasnt looking , she quickly opened the bottle and hid its contents in her mouth .

  9. 因此,每天都有成千上万名男女工作人员坚守岗位&有空中警员、机场安检员、货运检验员、边防官员和一线应急人员。

    So every day , many thousands of dedicated men and women are on duty & as air marshals , airport screeners , cargo inspectors , border patrol officers , and first responders .

  10. 他没有告知他妻子的具体病情,但是许育瑜表示,老先生告诉安检员,“这是一种偏方,可以把这些蟑螂放进一种药膏中,然后涂抹到皮肤上”

    He did not specify what her condition was , but Ms Yu says officials were told : " They were part of an old folk remedy . You mix the roaches in some medicinal cream and put it on your skin . "

  11. 第一道安检处设在园区内,占地4.5平方千米,这里安检员会随机对一些游客进行检查。

    The first barriers , located around a4.5-square-kilometer area in the Expo zone , will subject random visitors to spot checks .