
ān pái
  • arrange;schedule;organize;organization;plan;determine;set up;make arrangements for;dispose;placement;format;layout;disposition;fix up
安排 [ān pái]
  • [arrange;fix up] 安置处理

  • 把事情安排好

  • 领导的安排,我坚决服从

  • [arrangement;layout;format] 事先规定的程序

安排[ān pái]
  1. 我必须把我的财务安排好,并立下遗嘱。

    I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will .

  2. 你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?

    Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting ?

  3. 他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。

    He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so .

  4. 她坐在外面,等待命运对她作出的安排。

    She sat outside , waiting to find out her fate .

  5. 我在餐桌上给你安排好了座位。

    I 've set a place for you at the table .

  6. 他迟到了一个小时,把我们的一切安排都打乱了。

    He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangements .

  7. 你来负责安排下次会议,好吗?

    Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting ?

  8. 别着急,我会和萨拉商量安排好的。

    Don 't worry , I 'll fix it with Sarah .

  9. 我会给你安排住处的。

    I 'll fix you up with a place to stay .

  10. 由于命运之神的奇特安排,他们全都死里逃生,毫发未损。

    By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury .

  11. 我们勉强可以安排六个人住宿。

    We can provide accommodation for six people at a push .

  12. 她安排将家具海运到英国。

    She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England .

  13. 他们为聚会安排了丰盛的食物。

    They had laid on a huge spread for the party .

  14. 数千名地震灾民仍在等待安排新住处。

    Thousands of earthquake victims are still waiting to be rehoused .

  15. 新的智力竞赛节目的总体安排结果证明很受欢迎。

    The format of the new quiz show has proved popular .

  16. 根据安排她要作一个关于转基因的演讲。

    She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering .

  17. 为总统安排日程的官员留出了90分钟的电视采访时间。

    The President 's schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews .

  18. 一切都已做了细致入微的安排。

    Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail .

  19. 我相信你用不着我为你安排。

    I 'm sure you don 't need me to organize you .

  20. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。

    There may be some minor changes to the schedule .

  21. 有一百名已经获安排领养。

    One hundred have already been placed with foster families .

  22. 那个电话把一整套事项安排好了。

    That telephone call set in train a whole series of events .

  23. 他这个星期安排了几次演讲。

    He has a number of speaking engagements this week .

  24. 你得预先和博物馆联系安排好参观事宜。

    You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum .

  25. 我们极为详细地安排了这一天的日程。

    We planned the day down to the last detail .

  26. 我将安排你和你那个地区的一个人进行联系。

    I 'll put you in touch with someone in your area .

  27. 我已安排好下星期去看戏。

    I 've fixed up to go to the theatre next week .

  28. 他认真考虑第二天的安排。

    He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day .

  29. 她想在去世前把自己的事务安排妥当。

    She wanted to put her affairs in order before she died .

  30. 他不得不以孩子们为中心来安排自己的生活。

    He has to organize his life round the kids .