- Anhui Province

An Investigation on Main Crop Bacterial Diseases and Their Distribution in Anhui
Identification of the causal organism of bacterial wilt of ginger in Anhui
Meanwhile , Hefei University of Technology in east China 's Anhui province has delayed the start of the upcoming spring semester for a week , requiring its teachers and staff to home-quarantine for a week before returning to campus .
Objective to understand entrance surface dose from diagnostic x-ray of examinee in Anhui province .
Analysis of HIV Surveillance in Sentinel Sites in 1995-1999
Plan and Construction of Anhui 's C3 Local Telephone Networks
In soils with pH ≥ 7 , the average content of available Fe extracted with the same extractants as those for Cu is 16.67 ppm .
Mineral assemblages and the existing form of gold in the As-Sb-Au mineralized belt of the Dongzhi County-Jing County area , Anhui Province
Chapter by case analysis , the use , in order to achieve the purpose of theoretical and practical combination of Guarantee Corporation of Anhui W guarantee .
Epidemiological Analysis of the First Coxsackievirus B5 Meningoencephalitis Outbreak in Anhui Province
Objective To study rural inhabitants ' living condition and room air pollution in Anhui province , and its relationship with prevalence rate of COPD .
Analysis of the Rape Variety Stability in Anhui Provincial Trail with the AMMI Model
Objective To examine the soluble protein patterns of three ordinary species of cockroaches in Anhui province by SDS PAGE technique , and to find the method of scientific classification for cockroaches .
YX is a poverty county in Anhui province . Its finance is very tough .
Analysis on the Good Performance and Tactical Feature in Male 800m Run in P.E.Entry Exam for Colleges in 2004 Anhui Province
Then spatial interpolation of expression and GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction model are combined to review and predict the spatial trends and extension of the working population of the three industries in Anhui Province .
In this article it is as well in the way of field work that mass media in villages get studied , taking the village Z in An ' hui Province and the village G in Gansu Province as cases .
Firstly , it generated the GDP per person of county region in Anhui Province , relative growth rate and local SAM thematic map using the interpolation and overlay visualization function of GIS in order to analyze and demonstrate the huge differences among the Anhui county region economy .
In this paper , according to some actual problems existing in Anhui power system , an improved REI equivalence has been proposed , and a program written in FORTRAN language is given .
The export of agricultural products are in a rapid growth reaching $ 6.9 billion in 2010 which increased 35.7 percent , this thus stimulated the growth of GDP in anhui , providing a favourable security for the development of agriculture , the employment of the peasants and their income .
A total of 241 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis ( AFP ) was reported in 1997 . Among of them , stool specimens of 238 cases and the contacts of 208 cases were collected . Virus isolation was made by RD and Hep-2 cells .
Methods : The study was conducted at the Center of Mental Health of Anhui province . 148 depression patients and their family members were investigated by outcomes study short-form 36 ( SF-36 ) and basic state questionnaire .
Methods ' . 240 chronic hepatitis B in-patients of the three hospitals in Hefei City were inquired by using SF-36 health questionnaire and the data were analyzed by using T-test , variance analysis and multivariant stepwise regression , etc.
In the fifth section , through correlation analysis of SPSS , the ADF stationary test , cointegration analysis , the Granger causality test statistics measurement , empirical analysis on the relationship and causality between tertiary industrial structure and urbanization Anhui Province are carried out .
The methods are proposed for calculating humidity profiles in the range of 0.2 km to 2.2 km in altitude by means of the wind profile / RASS data from the Feixi observing experiment site in Anhui Province in Summer 2002 .
Survey and Analysis on Local Taxes and Fees of Anhui Province
Analysis on Causes of Drought in Anhui Province and the Countermeasures
Analysis of change tendency of surface water quality in Anhui Province
A Study on Performance Assessment of Power Supply Enterprises in Anhui
Intelligent decision-making support system of one-season rice production in Anhui Province