
  • 网络Andreasen;Mark Andreesen;Henrik Andreasson;Andreesen
  1. 在安德里森看来,Skype是一块璞玉,一家有史以来少数能产生网络效应的科技公司之一。

    To Andreessen , Skype was a potential gem & one of the few great network-effect tech companies ever created .

  2. 安德里森本人就是一位科技公司的创始人,他创办了网景(Netscape)和Opsware,同时还是Facebook的董事会成员。此外他也是新生代科技企业家眼中的导师。

    Enter Andreessen , himself a founder ( Netscape , Opsware ), an eBay and Facebook board member , and a guru to a new generation of tech entrepreneurs .

  3. 到2010年秋天,也就是德班和安德里森收购Skype一年之后,Skype的用户人数已经从一年前的4亿增长到了6亿,而且其视频通话功能的使用率也在上升。

    By the fall of 2010 , just a year after the buyout , Skype was surging : users had climbed to 600 million from about 400 million a year earlier & and it saw rising usage of its video calling services .

  4. 对于德班、安德里森和贝茨而言,85亿美元的现金实在太诱人了,让人难以拒绝。

    For Durban , Andreessen , and Bates , $ 8.5 billion in cash was an offer too good to refuse .