- 名settling-in allowance;relocation expenses;family resettlement allowance

[allowance for setting up a home;settling-in allowance] 按规定发给的供在新地方安置家庭的费用
The households to be relocated have all got their settling-in allowance
Thousands of militants traded in guns for stipends and training .
Provide an apartment and family allowance during the period of working .
" No , it is for the first expenses of your settling in paris . "
Settlement pay , severance pay , retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions ;
No , they aren ' t.But they 're going to give him money to move . Faster , ladies . Oh , I can ' t.In a minute . I 'm going to quit . So tell me about your plans . What are you going to do ?
Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage .