
Ān shǐ zhī luàn
  • An Shi Rebellion;rebellion of An Lushan (d.757) and Shi Siming (d.761) in755;the An Lushan-Shi Siming rebel
安史之乱 [ān shǐ zhī luàn]
  • 唐代安禄山、史思明发动的叛乱。公元755年冬,节度使安禄山起兵叛乱,攻占洛阳,次年称帝,入长安,并遣部将史思明占河北广大地区。玄宗逃往四川,肃宗在灵武(今属宁夏)即帝位。757年,安禄山被其子安庆绪所杀。唐将郭子仪等收复长安、洛阳。759年,史思明杀安庆绪,自称燕帝,克洛阳,不久史思明为其子史朝义所杀。唐军屡败叛军,763年史朝义被迫自杀。历时七年的叛乱被平息,唐朝由此转衰。

  1. 安史之乱前后唐朝宦官权势的演变

    Changes of the power of the eunuch since An-shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty

  2. 安史之乱对于诗歌来说,标志着一个新时代的开始。

    Anshi 's Rebellion is the indication of the new epoch to the poetry .

  3. 经历了安史之乱的唐王朝,经济凋敝,国力衰退。

    Through the Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty , economic depression , national recession .

  4. 安史之乱后传统的中央与地方经济关系在河朔地区虽然遭到了严重破坏,中央政府在河朔地区的经济权利也受到侵犯,但中央政府并没有丧失经济上的全部权利。

    In the Hebei Region , the Central Government still had some economic rights .

  5. 安史之乱之后,海上丝绸之路开始兴盛。

    After the Rebellion of An and Shi , the Silk Road by sea blossomed .

  6. 第二章将分析安史之乱中唐代社会政治、经济及文化的转变。

    The second chapter talks about the political , economic and cultural changes during the wartime .

  7. 以安史之乱为界,河东地域文学家呈现出不同的发展态势。

    Because of the An Lushan-Shi Siming Rebellion , Hedong Geographical writers showed different development trends .

  8. 公元763年(广德元年)初,历时七年多的安史之乱至此结束。

    In 763 , the 7-year " An and Shi Rebellion " came to an end .

  9. 唐代宦官的权势经安史之乱发生了重大的变化。

    The power of the eunuch had taken place great changes since An-shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty .

  10. 这与地方节度藩帅成为密诏主要行用对象的特点有关,与安史之乱后唐代地方对中央的离心力逐渐扩大密切相关,反映着历史主题的变化。

    It related to the historical themes which the centrifugal force is expanding between central and place .

  11. 然而,自“安史之乱”开始,它无可奈何的衰落下去了。

    But from the " Rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming ", it had to fall .

  12. 它典型地反映了盛唐文人在安史之乱后的悲剧命运。

    It typically reflects the tragic fate of literal man of Tang flouring age after Anshi Rebellion .

  13. 安史之乱以后,随着唐王朝的逐步衰弱,由于瓷器的迅速发展,三彩器制作逐步衰退。

    As the Tang Dynasty gradually lost power and its porcelain-producing technology developed , tri-colored glazed pottery de-clined .

  14. 安史之乱爆发原因再探

    Probe Again into Cause of the Eruption of ' The Insurrection Waged by AN Lu-shan and SHI Si-ming

  15. 以安史之乱为分界线的唐代文学,经历了由理想主义向现实主义的重大转变。

    The Tang dynasty literature demarcated by " Anshi Turmoil " experienced important changes from idealism to realism .

  16. 唐史以安史之乱可分为前后两期,后期之典型特征为藩镇林立。

    With An Shi Rebellion , Tang history could be divided into two periods & early and later periods .

  17. 唐代儒学日趋衰落,但安史之乱前后,又出现儒学复兴思潮,这种思潮是推进文体革新的直接动力。

    Around Anshi Rebellion , Confucianism which was declining began to revive and became the direct motive for promoting the stylistic innovation .

  18. 安史之乱长安被占期间,王维为了不给叛军当差而装聋。

    During the An Lushan Rebellion he avoided actively serving the insurgents during the capital 's occupation by pretending to be deaf .

  19. 比如反映安史之乱岑参虽然写诗不多,但却极真切的反映了战乱对社会的破坏。

    For example , the An-Shih Rebellion . Although his poetry were not many , very really reflected the social damage of war .

  20. 安史之乱跨越了三位皇帝的执政期,它开始于玄宗时期,结束于代宗年间。

    The rebellion spanned the reigns of three emperors , starting during the reign of Xuanzong and ending during the reign of Daizong .

  21. 因此,安史之乱被大多是中国史学家认为是唐朝命运的一个转折点。

    Thus , the An-Shi Rebellion is regarded by most Chinese historians to be the turning point in the Tang Dynasty 's fortunes .

  22. 西汉时期、隋朝前期和唐朝安史之乱之前,流域生态环境演变趋向绿洲化。

    Ecological environment evolution is trend to oasis during the Han Dynasty , the early Sui Dynasty and before the " Anshi War " .

  23. 这变化从安史之乱开始发动,发动这变化的是当时中国周边异族的影响与压力。又南宋的新儒学也有反文学反文化的倾向,结果支持这种中国文化的转变。

    Such changes began with the An shi mutiny and were related to the influence and pressure by the alien races living around the then china .

  24. 安史之乱给唐代政治体制带来的最根本的改变是中央集权的进一步丧失,以及由此而产生的朝廷威信和统治能力的降低,这突出地表现在节度使的拥兵自重及宦官干预政务中。

    The essential change in politics is the further diminishing of the centralization of authority , which discredited the imperial government 's prestige and weakened its control .

  25. 研究安史之乱中的诗歌创作,对于理解盛唐到大历乃至中唐文学的转变有着重要的意义。

    Researching on the poetry of this certain period is significant to understand the literary change from Prosperous Tang-dynasty to Dali period and even the Mid-tang - dynasty .

  26. 玄宗的这种军事安排使得唐朝成为外重内轻的军事格局,最终诱使安史之乱爆发,河东成为战乱地区,成为抵御安史乱军的战略要地。

    This reign of the Tang Dynasty military arrangements made with light weight to foreign military pattern , and ultimately induce the " An-Shih Rebellion " broke out .

  27. 公元744年,发展壮大了的回鹘于漠北建立政权,并两次出兵帮助唐朝中央政权平息“安史之乱”。

    In744 , the Uighur founded a Khanate in mobei , and later dispatched troops twice to help the Tang central authorities to quell the an Lushan-Shi Siming rebellion .

  28. 安史之乱对于诗歌来说,不只是在内容上,更主要是在心理上标志着一个新时代的开始。

    As the beginning of a new epoch , Anshi 's Rebellion produced a great impact on literature in the poets ' psychology as well as the poetic content .

  29. 产生这一诗歌特点的原因,是诗人们经历了安史之乱等社会的巨变,心境变了,所以诗风跟着转变。

    Have the characteristics of this poetry because poets society has undergone great changes , such as An-Shih Rebellion , mood changed , so follow the changes in poetry .

  30. 因而唐王朝与河东地区在安史之乱前后由自上而下的统领关系逐渐淡化,河东的地位愈加地突出。

    Tang dynasty and before and after the An-Shih Rebellion Hedong region in the top-down command by the relationship between the slowly fading , the status of Hedong highlighted more .