
  • 网络safe food;safety food
  1. 指出发展生态农业关键要从开发安全食品抓起,并提出加快发展安全食品的对策。

    The countermeasures of developing safe food are put forward .

  2. 从国内外发展趋势来看,开发安全食品对实现安徽省富民强省具有十分重要意义。

    To develop the safe food is very necessary , and has important meaning .

  3. 这些产品还满足了消费者对安全食品的要求。

    They can also meet the demands of consumers who want safe foods .

  4. 安全食品供给的契约分析

    A Contract Analysis on Supply of Safe Food

  5. 请给百姓一份安全食品菜单

    People Call for a Menu for Safe Food

  6. 我国安全食品战略体系及其存在问题的对策研究

    Studies on Strategic System of Safety Food in China and Countermeasures of Its Existing Problems

  7. 消费者对安全食品购买倾向的实证研究&来自厦门市的调查发现

    An Empirical Study on Mechanism of Consumption Purchase Intention of Safety Food & Findings from Xiamen City

  8. 不同规模食品生产企业生产不安全食品的内在机理和制度根源并不相同,这对我国以后的食品安全治理具有重要意义。

    In fact , different scale enterprises product unsafe food with different internal mechanism and system root .

  9. 在此基础上构建出中国消费者安全食品购买倾向的解释模型。

    On this foundation , the explanatory model on consumers purchase intention regarding safety foods for Chinese is built .

  10. 消费者对安全食品的需求意识不断提升,推动生态食品的发展。

    With the increasing awareness of demands on safety food , the development of ecological food is highly promoted .

  11. 啤酒作为一种安全食品,在其加工的各个阶段都有可能受到外源物质和化学物质的侵扰。

    Beer is a safe product where foreign bodies and chemicals may contaminate it at various stages within the process .

  12. 主要包括选题依据、相关文献综述、不安全食品产生原因的理论基础及研究框架。

    It includes topics based on literature review , the causes of food insecurity in the theoretical basis and research framework .

  13. 因此,全球正在极力倡导食用纯天然生态的健康安全食品&有机食品。

    So , many countries around the world are promoting organic food which is natural , ecologically friendly , healthy and safe .

  14. 运用犯罪构成四要件理论,提出非法持有不安全食品罪的各个要件。

    Using the theory of four requisites to constitute a crime , the illegal elements of the crime of holding food insecurity .

  15. 许多乳酸菌产生多种多样不同的细菌素,有作为天然、安全食品防腐剂的潜力。

    Many lactic acid bacteria produce a high diversity of different bacteriocins and have the potential as natural and safe food preservatives .

  16. 鉴于消费者组织接触潜在受不安全食品影响的每一个人的能力,它们对食品安全的投入是非常宝贵的。

    Consumer organization input into food safety is invaluable , given their ability to reach every person potentially affected by unsafe food .

  17. 初级生产、加工、分发和销售中良好的控制与操作,对安全食品的生产来说都必不可少。

    Good controls and practices during primary production , processing , distribution and sale are all essential to the production of safe food .

  18. 人们可以根据自己的实际受损情况和不安全食品必然会导致的其他不良后果,向法院提出相关诉讼请求。

    People according to their actual damage and unsafe food will inevitably lead to other adverse consequences , presented to the court claim .

  19. “运用法典标准和准则是确保防止世界各地消费者食用不安全食品的一个重要部分,”他说。

    " Applying Codex standards and guidelines are an important part of ensuring that consumers in every part of the world can be protected from unsafe food ," he said .

  20. 绿色产业特性包括:以绿色农业为基础,是弱质产业,政府有扶持的必要:是安全食品产业,存在信息不对称问题;

    The characteristics of green food industry includes below : based on green agriculture , vulnerable and needs support ; belong to safety food industry , there is information dissymmetry problem ;

  21. 一名复旦大学硕士研究生吴恒跟志愿者一起收集关于不安全食品的新闻报道,并把它们发布到网站上让公众查阅。

    Wu Heng , a Fudan University postgraduate student , together with volunteers , collected news reports about unsafe foods and posted them on their website for the public to consult .

  22. 针对产志贺毒素大肠杆菌的感染预防措施与针对其它食源性疾病的推荐预防措施相似,例如按照《世界卫生组织安全食品五大要点》,采用良好的基本卫生习惯。

    Preventive measures for STEC infections are similar to those recommended for other foodborne diseases , including basic good food hygiene practice , as described in the WHO Five keys to safer food .

  23. 当地捕捞玉筋鱼的渔民了解到民众对于不安全食品的恐慌,他们本季度就把网收起来不再捕鱼了(当然,有赔偿金的承诺鼓励他们暂时停止捕捞)。

    Knowing the public 's fears of unsafe food ( and no doubt encouraged by the promise of compensation ) , the local konago fishermen had already pulled in their nets for the season .

  24. 论述了安全食品概念、农业清洁生产工程和生态农业产业化管理体系及其相互关系,提出食品安全保障体系构想。

    The paper discusses the concept of safe foodstuff , agricultural clean-process project and the industrial management system of ecological agriculture and their relations , and then advances the frame of foodstuff safety ensuring system .

  25. 安全食品供应的好处毋庸置疑,但有时安全的代价又让我们难以取舍&尤其是包装上出现有机字眼的时候。

    The benefits of a safe food supply are undeniable , but they sometimes come with trade-offs that can be hard to grasp ─ especially when the word ' organic ' appears on a package .

  26. 通过食品生产商与监管者的静态博弈分析,得知提高食品信息的透明度能提高生产者生产不安全食品的成本;加大对监管部门的奖惩力度能提高监管部门的监管效率。

    By the game analysis between manufacturers and regulators , it is found that enhancing the information transparency can increase the cost of producing unsafe food , aggravating the regulatory punishment can improve regulatory supervision efficiency .

  27. 人们对绿色保健药品及绿色安全食品的需求越来越迫切,开发和利用天然植物资源为人类造福,是当前的发展趋势。

    People are more and more urgent to green healthy medicines and green safe food , and to develop and utilize the natural plant to bring benefit for mankind , which is the present developing trend .

  28. 近几年,我国不安全食品危害事件的频繁发生,严重损害了中国企业、食品行业和我国在国际市场的形象,影响我国的食品出口和对外贸易。

    In recent years , Chinese food safety crises have occurred frequently . Those events damage the images of Chinese enterprises and food industry in the international market , and have bad effects on international trade .

  29. [结论]改变从业人员不安全食品加工操作行为的措施应充分考虑各项行为影响因素并应用行为改变理论,使不安全行为导致的食物中毒得到有效预防。

    [ Conclusion ] Measures to change the unsafety behavior among food handlers should consider the influencing factors of behavior sufficiently and apply behavior change theories . Food poisoning resulted in unsafety behaviors can be prevented effectively .

  30. 科学发展也能够让我们更好地了解到食品质量以及健康等问题。消费者将更加注重食品问题,他们对低质量食品和不安全食品的警惕性将提高。

    Scientific development also allows a better understanding of the nutritional qualities of food and its health implications.This has led consumers to become more discriminating in food matters and to demand protection from inferior quality and unsafe food .