
  • 网络Security Software;SanDisk SecureAccess software
  1. 他用的安全软件是自己编的。

    The security software he uses is home brew .

  2. 过去该软件巨头一直因为没有在Windows上包含安全软件而受到了批评。

    The software giant has been criticised in the past for failing to include free security software with Windows .

  3. 基于CA的安全软件分发方案

    A Safety Software Distribution Scheme Based on CA

  4. 该视频软件与标准的安全软件相兼容,使所有的安全信息都统一到一个容易理解的3D地图界面中。

    Integrating with standard security hardware and software , it unifies all security information into an easily-understood3D map interface .

  5. NT环境下链路层安全软件的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Data-Link Security Software over NT

  6. 在“构建安全软件:选择技术”文章中,Gary和John探究了设计者和程序员面临的常见选择。

    In " Building secure software : Selecting technologies ," Gary and John explore common choices faced by designers and programmers .

  7. 基于模糊颜色Petri网的表决DVP安全软件模型初探

    A Safe Voting DVP Software Model Based On Fuzzy Colored Petri Net

  8. 芯片厂商博通公司(Broadcom)以近4200万美元的价格收购了总部位于以色列特拉维夫的安全软件厂商SCSquare公司。

    Device chip maker Broadcom acquired the Tel aviv-based security software maker SC square for nearly $ 42 million .

  9. 曾为美国互联网公司网景公司(Netscape)和安全软件公司迈克菲公司(McAfee)元老的卡麦伦•刘易斯则另辟蹊径。

    Netscape and McAfee veteran Cameron Lewis takes a different approach .

  10. 安全软件公司CarbonBlack的首席安全策略师本•约翰逊(BenJohnson)称,由于手机可以通过多种方式连接,手机安全具有较大挑战性。

    Mobile phone security is challenging because devices are designed to connect in many different ways , says Ben Johnson , chief security strategist at Carbon Black , a security software company .

  11. 丹尼尔斯所使用的安全软件是洛杉矶AwarenessTechnologies公司生产的InterGuard,它被一些金融服务和医疗企业以及其他企业用来跟踪员工的工作效率、防止信息泄露以及遵守信息安全方面的规定。

    The security program Mr. Daniels uses , InterGuard by Awareness Technologies in Los Angeles , is used by financial-services , health-care and other employers to track productivity , prevent leaks and comply with security regulations .

  12. 木马、病毒技术迅速发展,同时安全软件也日新月异,主机入侵防御系统(HostIntrusionPreventSystem,HIPS)技术是安全软件的发展方向之一。

    With the rapid development of the technique of trojan horses and viruses , security software is also changing . HIPS ( Host Intrusion Prevent System ) is just as one of the future development directions for security software .

  13. 安全软件生产商SymantecCorp。首席执行长萨利姆(EnriqueSalem)说,作为一家中等企业,我不会与它们较量的;

    ' I 'm not going to fight'being a mid-tier company , says Enrique Salem , chief executive of security-software maker Symantec Corp.

  14. 不久前,网络安全软件即服务公司Purewire对数百万Twitter用户档案进行了分析,并展示了一个叫做Tweet评级(TweetGrade)的工具。

    Web security SaaS company Purewire evaluated the profiles of millions of Twitter users to show the depth of a new tool it has created called Tweet Grade .

  15. 此外,鉴于终端安全软件的诸多模块使用AES进行数据加解密,为提高加解密速度,提升系统整体性能,本文设计了基于GPU的AES加解密算法。

    Besides , due to the frequent use of encryption operation in security software , this paper designed a GPU-based AES encryption algorithm since system performance is effected by encryption and decryption speed .

  16. 去年,微软宣布停止对WindowsLiveOneCare提供支持,并开发新的,免费的安全软件产品来代替,后者的代号为Morro。

    Last year Microsoft announced that it would end support for Windows Live OneCare , and turn instead to develop a new , free security product , code named Morro .

  17. 在AID&DS中引入了基于Snort的误用入侵检测系统,证明了模型的扩展性及其对成熟的网络安全软件的集成能力。

    Importing a misuse detection method based on snort to AID & DS model , which proves that the model is extensive , and good to integrate other mature network security software .

  18. 微软提供的有关参加微软主动保护计划(MAPP)的安全软件供应商所提供的额外保护的信息。

    Microsoft offers information about additional protections provided by the security software providers enrolled in Microsoft Active Protections Program ( MAPP ) .

  19. 由于内核Rootkit处于系统的底层,安全软件很难对其进行查杀,从而保证了整个木马具有很高的隐蔽性。

    Since kernel Rootkit is lying in a lower layer , it is very hard for security software to detect it , which guarantees the concealment of the whole Trojan .

  20. 这项交易未能通过美国政府对外资投资于敏感行业的审查程序,原因是3Com同美国政府签有提供安全软件的协议。

    That deal failed to pass a U.S.government vetting process for foreign investment in sensitive industries , because of3Com 's contracts with the U.

  21. 互联网与音频安全软件制造商Fortinet发现,企业客户也对加密电话有着类似的需求。

    Internet-and-voice security software maker Fortinet ( ftnt ) is seeing similar demand for encrypted phones from corporate clients .

  22. 而躲在伪安全软件背后的罪犯貌似也能收获同样多的回报,比如BrettStone-Gross和加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉市校区的同事。

    The criminals behind fake security software appear to reap similar rewards , say Brett Stone-Gross and colleagues at the University of California , Santa Barbara .

  23. 第二,iMac不受铺天盖地的恶意软件影响,这样你就无需运行令人讨厌又耗费内存的安全软件。

    Second , the iMac , unlike the Dell , is immune to the vast majority of malicious software floating around , so you don 't have to run annoying , memory-hogging security programs .

  24. 他们负责运营该公司的网络和安全软件。

    They run on the company 's network and secure software .

  25. 熊猫安全软件公司提供的安全解决方案的许多版本。

    Panda Security Software has offered many editions of security solution .

  26. 网络安全软件公司&趋势科技的表现也十分突出。

    So has Trend Micro , a big security software firm .

  27. 核动力厂安全软件的验证与确认技术的初步研究

    Preliminary research on safety software verification and validation for nuclear power plant

  28. 对安全软件验证与确认技术的初步研究。

    This paper is a preliminary research on safety software V & V.

  29. 基于关键字驱动脚本的安全软件自动测试系统

    Safety-Critical Software Automatic Testing System Based on Keyword Driven Script

  30. 基于嵌入式系统的车站信号安全软件设计与实现

    Embedded System Supported Safety Critical Software Design for Railway Signal