
  • 网络security hole;security vulnerability;vulnerability;security breaches
  1. Firefox小组修复了一个安全漏洞,该漏洞使得frame和iframe可以继承父文档(parentdocument)的字符集。

    The Firefox team fixed a security hole that allowed frames and iframes to inherit the parent document 's character set .

  2. 所有安装在网站上的CGI脚本程序都有可能包含漏洞,每个漏洞都是一个潜在的安全漏洞。

    Any CGI script installed at your site may contain bugs , and every such bug is a potential security hole .

  3. NET编程中的安全漏洞分析

    The Analysis of Security Leaks in . NET Programming

  4. 一种基于Proxy的Web应用安全漏洞检测方法及实现

    A Proxy-based approach to implementation of scanning Web application security vulnerabilities

  5. Internet的安全漏洞与对策

    Internet Security Bugs and Measures

  6. 如何检测Web应用程序的安全漏洞并做出相应的防御措施是当前Web安全的研究热点。

    How to detect security vulnerabilities of web applications becomes a hotspot of the research of web security .

  7. 但同时,这些Web应用程序包含了许多潜在的安全漏洞,且每天都以惊人的速度被发现和利用。

    At the same time most of these applications contain vulnerabilities which are being discovered and exploited at an alarming rate .

  8. 浅谈ASP的安全漏洞及相关对策

    A Superficial Discussion Of Safety Problem Of ASP and Its Countermeasure

  9. C程序的缓冲区溢出漏洞是近年来最为常见且危害极大的安全漏洞之一。

    The buffer overflow problem in C programs is one of the most famous and dangerous vulnerabilities in the last decades .

  10. SecurityFocus(参见参考资料)之类的站点收集了大量有关攻击和安全漏洞的信息,值得一看。

    Sites such as Security Focus ( see Resources ) collect information on a number of exploits and vulnerabilities and are worth watching .

  11. Web服务CGI安全漏洞分析与检测

    The analysis of security holes in interface of web servers and its detection

  12. 作为一种基于IP网络的新兴应用技术,VoIP继承了IP数据网络的若干安全漏洞。

    As a new network application , VoIP inherits several inherent shortages of IP network .

  13. ASP安全漏洞及其防护

    Safe loophole in ASP and its protection

  14. 这种TAI解决了前一种TAI的安全漏洞,应该优先选用它。

    This TAI addresses the security vulnerabilities in the previous TAI and is preferred .

  15. 常见UNIX系统安全漏洞的防范

    Precaution of common UNIX system safe holes

  16. 发现了一个安全漏洞,该漏洞使攻击者能够危害基于windows的计算机并对其进行控制。

    A security vulnerability has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a Windows-based computer and gain complete control over it .

  17. 本文首先研究了TCP协议的通信机制,提出一个TCP安全漏洞模型,对安全漏洞原理和典型攻击行为进行了分析。

    Mechanism of TCP communication is studied in this article and a model of TCP security vulnerabilities is proposed .

  18. DNS安全漏洞以及防范策略研究

    The Study on DNS Security Vulnerabilities and Defending Policies

  19. 指出3GPP提出的3G认证和密钥分配方案存在的安全漏洞。

    The security defects of3GPP authentication and key agreement scheme are pointed out .

  20. Windows系统存在很多安全漏洞,即使最新安装的windows也如此,及时升级Windows是每个用户必须进行的长期任务。

    Lots of safety loopholes have been found in the system of windows , updating windows in time is a long-time task for every user .

  21. 域名系统(DNS)服务在Internet服务中占据着非常重要的地位,但也存在很多安全漏洞。

    The domain name system ( DNS ) plays an important role in Internet services , but there are many holes in it .

  22. 把明文密码存储在文件中是一个潜在的安全漏洞,DB2管理员应该避免这种做法。

    Storing the password in clear text in a file is a potential security exposure that the DB2 administrator should guard against .

  23. RPC安全漏洞及预防

    Safe loophole in RPC and prevention method

  24. 值得庆幸的是,导致安全漏洞的很多编程错误在PHP中不可能存在。

    The good news is many common programming errors that result in security holes simply aren 't possible in PHP .

  25. ARP协议安全漏洞分析及其防御方法

    Analysis of Security Flaw of ARP Protocol and Protecting Methods

  26. VoIP的安全漏洞和防护

    Vulnerability and Defending of VoIP

  27. 针对TCP协议中的安全漏洞提出了一种改进的TCP三路握手的方案。

    This paper presented an improved scheme for three-way handshaking of TCP to solve the problems of security in the current implementation of TCP .

  28. 它是一种用于辨别黑客有可能利用未经授权访问系统和数据的Web安全漏洞,并自动评估Web应用程序脆弱性的工具。

    WAVA is an automated web application vulnerability assessment tool , designed to discern security holes in a web applications that a hacker would possibly exploit to gain unauthorized access to systems and data .

  29. 漏洞攻击扫描有助于识别操作系统或LotusDomino配置中潜在的安全漏洞。

    Vulnerability scanning helps to identify any potential security holes in either the operating system or in the configuration of Lotus Domino .

  30. 发现了一个安全漏洞,此漏洞可使攻击者中断某个工具,而安全设置正是通过这个工具被应用到企业网中的基于windows的计算机中。

    A security vulnerability has been identified that could allow an attacker to disrupt a facility by which security settings are applied to Windows-based computers in a corporate network .