
  • 网络safe landfill;secure landfill
  1. 焚烧、水泥窑和安全填埋法处置PCBs污染物技术优选

    Assessment on PCBs Wastes Treatment Technologies Including Incineration , Cement Kiln and Secure Landfill

  2. 危险废物安全填埋场渗滤液处理试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Treatment of Leachate from a Hazardous Waste Secure Landfill

  3. GIS与固体有害废物安全填埋场选址

    Application of CIS in Selection of Hazardous Solid Waste Landfill Sites

  4. 有害废物安全填埋场衬里系统设计方案的研讨

    Deliberation of design scheme for the hazardous waste landfill liner system

  5. 危险废物安全填埋场的环境经济分析

    Environmental Economic Analysis of Safe Landfill Site of Hazardous Solid Wastes

  6. 危险废物安全填埋场的研究与探讨

    Study and Discussion on the Safety Landfill Site of Dangerous Waste

  7. 固体废物安全填埋场的工程地质研究

    Engineering Geological Research of the Safe Bury Space for Solid Waste

  8. 无锡市工业固体(危险)废物安全填埋工程总体工艺设计

    Overall Technological Design of Wuxi Industrial Hazardous Solid Waste Safe Landfill Site Engineering

  9. 危险废弃物安全填埋场的选址及安全措施

    Discussion and Study on Safety Landfill of Hazardous Wastes

  10. 废弃危险化学品安全填埋处置的主要环节及控制

    Main Steps and Controlling Points in Safe Landfill Disposition Technology of Hazardous Chemical Waste

  11. 上海市危险废物安全填埋库防渗技术

    Anti-seepage technology used in Shanghai hazardous waste landfill

  12. 安全填埋技术作为危险废物的最终处理处置方法,也是环境风险比较高的技术。

    Safe landfill disposition technology is a finally treatment and disposal method , and is also a high environmental risk technology .

  13. 对蒸发排泄-入渗补给为主的潜水来说,地下水流场情景对安全填埋场影响地下水水质的空间范围和程度作用较小。

    For type of evaporation discharge-infiltration area , the groundwater flow field scenarios plays a limited role in the secure landfill impact on groundwater quality .

  14. 结合工程设计实践,探讨了飞灰安全填埋场的设计技术和设计原则。

    According to the engineering design practice , some discussions on safe landfill site design technology of MSW fly ash and principle had been carried out .

  15. 安全填埋场对地下水流场影响是局部空间的有限影响,不属于显著影响地下水流场的项目。

    The difference of flow field between pre-and post construction is small , which shows that the impact of secure landfill on the groundwater flow field is limited .

  16. 遵循国家颁布的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,对工业固体废物中危险废物处理处置技术和方法进行系统研究,推荐采用安全填埋法处置工业危险废物。

    According to the national law of solid wastes environmental pollution control , a systematic study has been made on the treatment and disposal technology for industrial hazardous wastes .

  17. 整治工作涉及到确认村庄里的污染区域,除掉所有受污染的土壤,将受到污染的土壤丢弃在安全填埋场并且用干净的土壤进行替换。

    Remediation has involved the identification of contaminated areas in the villages , removal of all contaminated soil , its disposal in secure landfill sites and its replacement with clean soil .

  18. 同时介绍了利用石棉废物生产氧化镁、制备吸附剂、采用焚烧法处理等研究发展方向,以及采用土地安全填埋处置的基本要求。

    Introduced use asbestos waste production MgO , preparation absorbent , incineration research development direction and so on the processing , as well as uses fills in buries handling the basic request .

  19. 识别了危险废物安全填埋场的风险源,建立了危险废物填埋处置环境风险评价方法,并将危险废物填埋的环境风险评价分为健康风险评价和系统安全性评价2个部分。

    The risk sources of the hazardous waste landfill were distinguished and the environmental risk assessment method of hazardous waste landfill established ; the environmental risk assessment was divided into health risk assessment and system safety security assessment .

  20. 安全土地填埋技术在我国的应用

    Safe landfill technology applied in China

  21. 沈阳市固体废物处置中心对工业危险废物采用了安全土地填埋技术,它的主要特点是安全、工艺简单、可操作性强。

    Safe landfill is employed to handle the industrial hazardous wastes by the solid wastes disposal center of Shenyang . It 's main features are safe and simple .