
  1. 沃尔玛连锁公司(Wal-MartStoresInc.)中国业务首席执行长高福澜(GregForan)说,由于泰森提供了安全可控的产品供应,沃尔玛的风险降到了最低。

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. ' s chief executive for China , Greg Foran , says Tyson has helped minimize the retailer 's risk by providing a safe , controlled supply .

  2. 由中国银监会(CBRC)以及工业和信息化部起草的另一项法规,将要求到2019年各银行70%以上的信息技术设备安全可控。

    A separate set of regulations , drafted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , will require more than 70 per cent of banks ' information technology equipment to be secure and controllable by 2019 .

  3. 能控性与能达性信息网络安全可控性分析的过程模型和评价指标

    Analyzing Process Model and Evaluation Indexes of Security Controllability for Information Network

  4. 正是有了我们本周的峰会以及最近几年的峰会所取得的成果,才使得全球的大部分核材料都处在安全可控状态。

    Because of the progress we made this week , and over recent years , more of the world 's nuclear material is secure .

  5. 提出安全可控、技术先进、设备优良、管理科学、素质达标、和谐稳定的电务工作方针。

    Adhere to working guidelines of ò controllable safety , advanced technology , excellent equipment , scientific management , qualified quality , harmonious stability ó .

  6. 事实证明,我市的蔬菜是安全可控的,实行的蔬菜农药残留监测网络体系是有效可靠的。

    Facts have proved that the vegetable is safe and controllable , and the vegetable pesticide residues inspection and supervision network system is effective and reliable .

  7. 最后给出了安全可控性分析的主要评价指标,并对指标的获取方法进行了简要的描述,为实施安全可控性评估奠定了基础。

    Finally , this paper presents some main evaluation indexes for security controllability , and describes them concisely , which form the foundation of controllability assessment .

  8. 中国还在去年12月通过了新的银行业指导意见,提出了用于金融行业的技术产品应被认为安全可控的安全标准。

    China also adopted new banking guidelines in December that outline security criteria for technology products to be considered secure and controllable for use in the financial sector .

  9. 本文给出网络安全可控性的定义,采用层次分析法建立了安全可控性分析的过程模型,明确了分析对象。

    This paper gives out the definition of network security controllability , and builds up its analyzing process model , which defines the program and objects of analysis .

  10. 在数控车床上加工大螺距螺杆有一定的技术难度,加工时不便观察且安全可控性差。

    There is a certain of difficulties that the process of manufacture can not be observed easily and controlled safely when the big-lead screw in the CNC lathe .

  11. 中国还在去年12月通过了新的银行业指导意见,提出了用于金融行业的技术产品应被认为“安全可控”的安全标准。

    China also adopted new banking guidelines in December that outline security criteria for technology products to be considered " secure and controllable " for use in the financial sector .

  12. 本系统为中小型企业的云桌面服务建设提供了一套安全可控的认证服务体系,具有较高的经济价值和实用价值。

    The system provide a safe and controlled certification services system for building cloud desktop services for small and medium-sized enterprises , and has a high economic value and practical value .

  13. 从应用效果来看,以煤矿安全可控性评价为基础的安全投入优化配置方法,具有合理性和可靠性,为煤矿安全投入决策提供理论依据。

    Judging from the application effect , the safety input optimization based on safety controllability evaluation is possessed of rationality and reliability . It provides theoretical basis for the decision of coal mines safety input .

  14. 根据现场实际情况对拉索的张拉方案进行了优化,对新的张拉方案进行计算分析,充分掌握了拉索的整个安装过程,保证张拉过程处于安全可控的状态。

    According to the actual situation on site , we have an optimized the premier tension proposal and have an analysis for the new one , master the whole install process of the lasso , to be sure the process in a safe and controllable state .

  15. 结论对于先心病PDA和ASD的介入治疗而言,Amplatzer是较为安全和可控性强的装置,可安全地应用于临床适应证患者。

    Conclusions The Amplatzer occluder is safe for the clinical interventional therapies of PDA and Secundum ASD .

  16. 铁路运输安全有序可控管理

    An Ordered and Controllable Management for the Safety of Railway Transportation

  17. 通信系统的设备和信息的安全、可控日益受到人们的重视。

    However , the safety and controllability of equipments and information in the communication system have become the important problems .

  18. 相比于其它方法制备纳米复合材料,激波法具有高效、安全、可控性好、成本低、绿色环保等优点。

    Compared with other methods , shock wave method had many advantages , such as efficient , safety , good controllability , low cost .

  19. 探讨医疗安全与可控性管理问题,通过提高医疗质量服务增加可控性,从而降低医疗风险。

    The discussion medical service security and the controllability management question , through improve the medical service quality , increase controllability , thus reduce the medical risk .

  20. 在中药材GAP基地建设中,可研究借鉴这些方法,运用于生产,达到中药材、优质、安全、质量可控的目的。

    In the construction of GAP bases , these measures can be further studied and put into production of medicinal materials so as to help reach the goals of high and controllable quality and safety of Chinese medicinal materials .

  21. 电动助力转向(EPS)是一种全新的汽车动力转向技术,它能节约燃料,提高主动安全性,可控转向感觉,且有利于环保。

    Electric power steering ( EPS ) is a new technology of automotive power steering , which can be used to save fuel , improve initiative security , control the steering feel , and protect the environment .

  22. 要从严治本,实现安全质量有序可控;

    Realize order and controllable of safety and quality ;

  23. 目的:探讨瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚用于小儿短小手术全凭静脉麻醉的有效性、安全性和可控性。

    Objective : To discuss the efficacy , safty and controllability of total venous anesthesia using remifentanil and propofol in short pediatric operations .

  24. 解决通信问题,大大提高了用户对安全策略的可控性和操作性,并给出了详细的实现过程。

    The solution of communication problems , greatly improves user security policy controllability and maneuverability , and a detailed process is given . 3 .

  25. 在这种设计思想下,一体化标识网络采用了核心网与接入网分离的网络架构,满足未来网络在路由可扩展性、移动性、安全性和可控可管性等多方面的要求。

    The UIN with core net-work and access network splitting structure has lots of advantages including routing scalability , mobility , security , controllability and manageability .

  26. 制定实施丹参SOP,对丹参生产全过程实施监控,基本可以达到优质、安全、稳定、可控及无污染〃之目标。结论:通过实施GAP和执行SOP,完全可以保证药材质量。

    As the result , the objective of ″ good quality , safety , stability , controllability and the nonpollution ″ has been reached . The fact has proved that through the implementation of GAP and SOP , the quality of Danshen can absolutely be guaranteed .

  27. 施工安全、质量有序可控。

    Construction safety , orderly and controllable quality .

  28. 互联网在可信(安全、可靠、可控、可管)等方面存在严重弊端。

    The Internet faces serious trust problems such as security , reliability , controllability , and manageability .

  29. 构建安全、有效、可控的载体为肿瘤基因治疗的瓶颈。

    It is critical to construct safe , efficient and controllable vectors in gene therapy of tumor .

  30. 从而提高该产品的生产工艺、质量控制水平,品质和疗效,使产品安全有效、质量可控、性质稳定,生产可行。

    Improved the production process , quality control , quality and therapeutic effect , and made the product is safe and effective , quality controled , stable .