
  • 网络Safety;Safety Precautions;safety attentions
  1. 在反应器操作中必须注意几点安全事项。

    Several safety considerations must also be addressed in the operation of the reactor .

  2. 培训内容:工作制度,品质要求,技术及安全事项等。

    Contents of training : working regulations , requirements of qualities , technology and safety .

  3. HybridCloud应用程序的另一个安全事项是锁住对AmazonSQS服务的访问,从而仅允许可信客户端访问该服务。

    Another security consideration for the HybridCloud application is to lock down access to the Amazon SQS service so that only trusted clients can access the service .

  4. 介绍聚乙烯TH-1固体粉末催化剂的化学危险性,指出在使用和储存时应注意的安全事项并提出相应的预防措施,以保证催化剂输送系统操作安全。

    The dangerous characteristics of solid powder TH-1 Catalyst for Polyethylene was briefly introduced . Cautions in the process were pointed out and corresponding preventive measures were put forward in order to prevent from accidents .

  5. 为应用程序定义配置特定设置时,应注意某些安全事项。

    Certain security considerations apply when you configure specific settings for an application definition .

  6. 最后提出了运行人员在发电机进相运行中应注意的安全事项。

    Finally puts forward safety attentions should be noticed by operators during generator leading phase operation .

  7. 安全事项核查和监督机制在反应器操作中必须注意几点安全事项。

    Verification and control mechanism for security matters Several safety considerations must also be addressed in the operation of the reactor .

  8. 电动控制器的安全事项请参看电动控制器安装维护手册。

    For the safety cautions of the electric controller , please see the installation and maintenance manual of the electric controller .

  9. 文章定义了某些新的概念,如不安全事项、防范致险元集合、扩充防范能力等。

    Some fresh concepts are defined , for example , the unsafe item , the protecting-required hazard set and the extended protection ability etc.

  10. 最后值得大家注意的是:胡言乱语的反应。在反应器操作中必须注意几点安全事项。

    One last thing to watch out for : canned responses Several safety considerations must also be addressed in the operation of the reactor .

  11. 可是,今天下午我上班迟到了,因为儿子计划去滑冰,我在唠唠叨叨地嘱咐儿子有关安全事项呢!

    But I was late for work this afternoon because my son planned to go skating and I wordily told him about the safe items !

  12. 虽然为我们服务的都是志愿者,可是他们总是耐心地反复为我们讲解安全事项,还会不厌其烦地问你“好玩吗?”

    Although all of the service staffs are volunteers , they always be patience to tell us the safety information and asked people everytime again and again : " have fun ?"

  13. 介绍了用皮尺做带拉线水泥杆分坑的各种方法,并且就分坑的相关概念,皮尺分坑的可行性及安全事项进行了分析。

    The disquisition introduced the whole bag of tricks to the drew line cement pole measured groundwork pit , through used skin ruler , and go along analysis interrelated concept , its feasibility and safety proceeding .

  14. 针对无芯工频感应电炉试炉及运行过程中易发生的事故,提出了炉衬烧结和烘炉、熔炼操作过程中应注意的安全事项,以及停电、漏炉、冷却水事故的紧急处理方法

    Based on the accidents in test and operation of line-frequency coreless induction furnace , the safety proceedings in furnace lining sintering , furnace drying and the melting operation and the emergency treatment methods of service interruption , leakage of steel and accident of cooling water have been pointed out

  15. 然后本文将介绍如何在MessageBroker消息流中使用这些节点,包括缓存策略和安全注意事项。

    The article then shows you how to use these nodes within Message Broker message flows , including caching strategy and security considerations .

  16. Publish-SubscribeNotificationforWebservices:此规范为WS-Notification文档系列设置目标和需求并包括安全注意事项。

    Publish-Subscribe Notification for Web services : This specification sets the goals and requirements for the WS-Notification family of documents and includes security consideration .

  17. 让施工作业人员了解安全注意事项。

    To make constructors and operators get known safety precautions ;

  18. 炉内检修平台安装及使用安全注意事项

    Notices to Installation and Safety of Maintenance Platform in Furnace

  19. 震动爆破的防突机理及安全注意事项

    Shock blasting : its outburst preventive mechanism and safety precautions

  20. 本文最后讨论代理拓扑和作业管理器拓扑的安全注意事项。

    The article concludes with security considerations for the agent and job manager topologies .

  21. 安全注意事项-确认所有安全和环境注意事项。

    Safety considerations-identify all safety and environmental considerations .

  22. 谈人工挖孔灌注桩设计与施工安全注意事项

    The design and points for attention to ensure construction safety of manual holing pouring pile

  23. 最后,还存在一些可能会影响策略选择的安全注意事项。

    Finally , there may be security considerations that could affect your choice of strategy .

  24. 危险货物运输的安全注意事项

    Security Proceeding in Dangerous Cargo Transportation

  25. 航班服务员讲解安全注意事项时,请您注意中间过道。

    Please bring your attention to the center aisle as the flight attendant explains the safety rules .

  26. 高可用性和安全注意事项

    High availability and security considerations

  27. 但安装中的安全注意事项,安全操作规程,也是大家应该严格遵守的。

    But the installation of safety precautions , safety procedures , but also we should be strictly followed .

  28. 安全注意事项:使用长度合适的跳绳,用前脚趾着地(不要太用力)。

    Safety : Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the toes ( the beginning of the foot ) .

  29. 车身维修期间,必须遵循以下安全注意事项、概图信息和质量说明。

    The following safety notes as well as all the general information and quality instructions must be observed in the case of body repairs .

  30. 有关链接服务器帐户所需权限的信息,请参阅更新订阅的安全注意事项中的“立即更新订阅”部分。

    For information about the permissions required by the linked server account , see the " immediate updating subscriptions " section of security considerations for updating subscriptions .