
  • 网络Princess Anle
安乐公主 [ān lè gōng zhǔ]
  • 人名。(?~公元710)唐中宗女,适武三思之子崇训。三思与韦后通,专朝政,公主恃势骄横,纳贿售官。及三思父子伏诛,乃再醮武延秀,后与韦后进毒弒帝,为睿宗子隆基起兵讨杀之。

  1. 中宗李显庸懦无能,致使皇后韦氏与安乐公主弄权,李旦之子李隆基击败了韦后而即位,改国号开元,是为唐玄宗。

    Because Li Xian was mediocre and incompetent , his queen Empress Wei and his daughter Princess Anle forcibly occupied the power and played politics . Li Longji , Li Dan 's son bom down Empress Wei 's gang and ascended the throne , that 's Emperor Tang Xuanzong , the title of his reign was Kaiyuan .