
shǒu hù
  • guard;watch;defend;ward
守护 [shǒu hù]
  • [watch] 看守保护

  • 由武装卫兵守护着两座高大的围墙

  • 剑平守护着他,一边替他料理社里积压的文件。-- 高云览《小城春秋》

守护[shǒu hù]
  1. 雄性动物死死地守护着他们的配偶。

    The males guard their mates zealously .

  2. 不幸地,这是volatile常见用例&用一个volatile字段作为“守护”表明已经初始化了一组共享变量。

    Unfortunately , this situation is a common use case for volatile & using a volatile field as a " guard " to indicate that a set of shared variables had been initialized .

  3. 他父母日夜守护在他的床边。

    His parents kept a round-the-clock vigil at his bedside .

  4. 对守护天使的蹩脚设计弄巧成拙,从一开始就注定这部电影要失败。

    The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from the start .

  5. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  6. 他们是在她客串出演热播电视系列剧《守护者》时认识的。

    They met when she made a guest appearance in the hit TV show Minder .

  7. 在他做脑扫描和全身扫描时,他的父母守护在他床边。

    His parents kept a vigil by his bedside as he was given brain and body scans .

  8. 一头母狮守护着幼狮。

    A lioness guarded her cubs .

  9. 《GQ》杂志称,宣言袜就像时尚男士守护的最好的秘密,它代表了个人日常护理的水平和一种反讽的趣味,值得我们尊重。

    Statement socks are like a stylish interest that deserves nothing but respect , says GQ .

  10. 敌法师用守护魔法来抵御负面法术的攻击。

    Magina channels a powerful warding magic damping the negative effects of spells .

  11. 莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。

    Shakespeare 's remains were guarded by a malediction .

  12. 士兵们守护着这座城市。

    The soldiers warded over the city .

  13. 在大型吊车的守护下,巴黎圣母院仍然使人联想起两年前火灾的惨烈和人们的英勇事迹。

    Beneath its protective cranes , Notre Dame1 still embodies2 the horror and heroism3 that unfolded here two years ago .

  14. 描述了守护进程的概念、实现原理等,并给出了的C语言示例源程序。

    It describes the concept and principles of daemon . It offers the model source program of C language .

  15. 修改队列守护进程配置文件/etc/qconfig之后,使用SystemResourceController命令停止并重新启动队列守护进程

    After modifying the queue daemon configuration file / etc / qconfig , stop and restart the queue daemon using the System Resource Controller commands

  16. 基于Linux守护进程的分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Daemon Base on Linux

  17. 在这里,logtype的默认值指定每个守护进程应该把日志条目发送到哪里(如果启用日志的话)。

    Here , a default value for log_type specifies where each daemon should emit log entries , if any are enabled .

  18. Linux系统中守护进程的创建方法

    Programming method of Daemon in Linux

  19. 两种编程模式都允许您创建池线程和守护程序线程,以便运行J2EE业务逻辑。

    Both programming models let you create pooled and daemon threads to run J2EE business logic .

  20. etc目录包含用于系统守护进程、启动脚本、系统参数和更多其他方面的配置文件。

    The / etc directory contains configuration files for the system daemons , startup scripts , system parameters , and more .

  21. 这些man页面中可能解释了如何使用cron,这是一个负责系统任务调度的守护进程。

    Chances are , these man pages explain how to use cron , the system job-scheduling daemon .

  22. 管理员还可以选择备份IBMNAS服务器守护进程的日志文件。

    The administrator can also choose to back up the IBM NAS server daemons'log files .

  23. ISA在服务器机器上运行守护进程来监控IDS。

    ISA runs the daemon process on the server machine to monitor the IDS .

  24. 在这种仅客户端的模式中,AIX分页替换守护进程将严格地选择客户端分页进行操作。

    In this client-only mode , the AIX page replacement daemons strictly target client pages .

  25. 即便如此,您会如何处理旧的pseudo客户端和新的pseudo守护进程呢?

    Even then , how do you get the old pseudo client and the new pseudo daemon ?

  26. 如果除应用程序用户以外还有人能够修改home目录,那么SSH守护进程就不支持基于密钥的认证。

    The SSH daemon does not allow key-based authentication if the home directory if people other than the user can write to it .

  27. 这个守护进程可以从系统资源控制器(SRC)进行启动。

    This daemon can be started from the System Resource Controller ( SRC ) .

  28. 编辑SNMP守护进程操作参数

    Edit the SNMP daemon operating parameters

  29. 这一请求发生在客户端和负责mount协议(rpc.mountd)的特定守护进程之间。

    This request occurs between the client and a special daemon responsible for the mount protocol ( rpc . mountd ) .

  30. 如果SSH守护进程正在运行,那么运行以下命令停止和启动服务器

    Run the following command to stop and start the server if the SSH daemon is running