
  • 网络extravehicular activity
  1. 而约翰逊•米勒表明自己担心的不仅仅是失业问题。他在休斯敦约翰逊航天中心宇航员舱外活动办公室工作,也亲临现场观看了航天飞机的最后一次着陆。

    Jonathan Miller , who works with the Johnson Space Center 's Extra-Vehicular Activity Office in Houston and came here to see the last landing , says his concern goes well beyond the issue of job losses .

  2. 不过,女性宇航员仍是舱外活动的主要参与者:苏珊·海尔姆斯和另外一名男宇航员共同保持着舱外活动最长时间纪录,在舱外度过近9个小时;

    Female astronauts have still been major participants in EVAs : Susan Helms shares the record for longest duration , spending nearly nine hours outside the airlock ;