
So , firstly , to observe the evolution phenomenon of creature within the whole stage of cosmic evolution and then find the commonness and individuality in the logic chain of evolution of physics , chemistry , biology , and culture .
It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .
You have purposefully and knowingly left those dimensions for the benefit of all other souls throughout the Universe .
Prof Hawking showed black holes are not just a bizarre theoretical construct but also play an important role in the development of the universe .
Surveying this question over our era , the information era , we can take the human history marked by technology as an evolution cause of universal information opened out by the technological behavior of human being .
Since ethics are systematized rules concerning interests and the interests of human beings relate to the evolution of the universe , ethics comes to have a definite scientific foundation .
A Multi-Universe Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm based on learning mechanism ( MPMQEA ) is proposed , in the algorithm , all individuals are divided into some independent sub-colonies , called universes .