
  1. 为此,首先要把生物进化现象放到整个宇宙进化的全过程中考察,在物理进化、化学进化、生物进化、文化进化的逻辑链条中发现共性和个性。

    So , firstly , to observe the evolution phenomenon of creature within the whole stage of cosmic evolution and then find the commonness and individuality in the logic chain of evolution of physics , chemistry , biology , and culture .

  2. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断进化着的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。

    It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .

  3. 你们都是有意识的和有目的的下降到这个密度为了其他灵魂都能够有机会体验宇宙的进化。

    You have purposefully and knowingly left those dimensions for the benefit of all other souls throughout the Universe .

  4. 霍金告诉人们,黑洞不仅是一种奇怪的理论建构,而且在宇宙的进化中发挥着重要作用。

    Prof Hawking showed black holes are not just a bizarre theoretical construct but also play an important role in the development of the universe .

  5. 而从信息时代的角度,可以把以技术为标志的社会演变的过程看作是一个通过人类的技术活动揭示出来的宇宙信息进化过程。

    Surveying this question over our era , the information era , we can take the human history marked by technology as an evolution cause of universal information opened out by the technological behavior of human being .

  6. 由于伦理是系统化的利益规则,人类利益和宇宙序的进化相关,因而伦理学具有确定的科学基础。

    Since ethics are systematized rules concerning interests and the interests of human beings relate to the evolution of the universe , ethics comes to have a definite scientific foundation .

  7. 提出了基于学习的多宇宙并行免疫量子进化算法,算法中将种群分成若干个独立的子群体,称为宇宙。

    A Multi-Universe Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm based on learning mechanism ( MPMQEA ) is proposed , in the algorithm , all individuals are divided into some independent sub-colonies , called universes .