
  1. 试论宁波历史文化遗产的保护与利用

    On Preservation and Utilization of Historical and Cultural Heritages of Ningbo

  2. 宁波历史文化转型探赜&兼论现实文化建设的方向

    On the historical transformation of Ningbo culture ── and the direction of modern cultural construction

  3. 宁波历史悠久,是有7000年文明史的河姆渡文化的发祥地,自古以来就是中国对外贸易的重要港口。

    Ningbo is a city with a long history . It 's the cradle of Hemudu culture with a7000 year history which was an important trading port .

  4. 文章分析了宁波历史文化遗产保护利用中存在的7个问题,提出了宁波历史文化遗产保护利用的战略新思路及若干对策性措施。

    This paper firstly analyses seven problems existing in preservation and utilization of historical and cultural heritages of Ningbo , and then puts forth the new strategic thinking and relevant measures of how to preserve and utilize the historical and cultural heritages of the city .

  5. 宁波市历史文化名城的建设与保护

    Construction and Preservation of Ningbo ── a Famous Historic and Cultural City

  6. 宁波作为历史文化名城,在历史上积累了丰厚的民间戏曲文化。

    Being a well-know historical and cultural city , Ningbo has accumulated rich folk opera culture through a long history .

  7. 本文力图对宁波钱庄的历史作一个全新的解读,从宁波钱庄最具特点的过帐制度研究入手,论证本土商业银行的标杆,就是宁波钱庄。

    This paper seeks to right the history of Ningbo banking house to make a completely new interpretation of the characteristics from Ningbo banking house had the most research into the accounts system to demonstrate the local commercial banks , benchmark , that is , Ningbo banking house .

  8. 宁波拥有浓厚的历史气息和文化传统。

    Ningbo has a strong historic character as a city of culture .

  9. 当中国建筑师王澍(普利茨克奖获得者)在宁波建造一个历史博物馆的时候,

    And when the Chinese Pritzker Prize winner Wang Shu was building a history museum in Ningbo ,

  10. 本文以宁波市儒雅洋历史文化名村为例,详细说明了历史文化村镇保护规划的内容和成果表达。

    Taking Ruyayang village as an example , this paper illustrates the content and results of conservation planning in historical towns and villages in details .

  11. 文章基于宁波产业发展的历史和现状,对传统产业群的发展模式、特征和支撑系统进行了分析,提出了传统产业发展的思路和途径。

    Based on the history and actuality of the industrial development in Ningbo city , this paper analyses the development pattern and characters and supporting system on traditional indusrial cluster , proposes the development direction and approaches of traditional industry .