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Research on the Mechanism of the Twin Boundary Motion of Ni-Mn-Ga Single Crystals and the Simulation of Stress-induced Martensitic Transformation
Furthermore , there are quite many growth defects-Frank dislocations near the Ni twin boundary .
The fracture plane is the { 111 } _ γ or twin boundary .
Characteristics of Annealing Twin Boundary and its Fracture Facet in a High-nitrogen Bearing Austenitic Steel
Results show that the plastic deformation of as-extruded Mg alloys tends to be rather heterogeneous .
The twin boundaries act as strong obstacles to the dislocation motion , so lead to higher strain-hardening .
Most of cavities which hinder the growth of twinning distribute on the grain boundaries and twinning boundaries .
The kink or flaw along the twin boundary is resulted by the screw dislocations dissociation at the twin boundary .
With the aid of thermal fluctuations , the critical shear stress required for TB migration decreases with elevating temperature .
The results showed that in the specimens there exist crystal defects such as twin boundary , dislocation , growth bands and substructure .
The influence of the spacing between two twin planes , however , seems to be less significant for the yielding stress and strength .
However , the strength of NT copper is significantly enhanced by these coherent TBs , which can efficiently impede the motion of dislocations emitted from nanoscale voids .
The plane defects of metals and alloys include grain boundary , sub-grain boundary , twins grain boundary , phase boundary , stacking fault , outward surface , etc.
It grows across the grain boundaries of parent phase or the twin , the trace of austenite boundary being preserved , but there is not any inheritance of twin structure .
And the last one is due to a relaxation process associated with the movement of the { 101 } - twin boundaries in the fct phase or fcc antiferromagnetic phase .
The dual-plane observations of fracture surface and adjacent side surface microstructures show that annealing twin boundary fracture , intergranular and transgranular cracking result in smooth planar facet , smoothly curved facet and rough facet , respectively .
Investigation indicates that the large spontaneous strain originates from the preferential orientation of variants induced by the residual internal stress and the field-enhanced transformation strain is attributed to the preferential orientation of variants performed by twin boundary motion .
The situ tensile tests show that the microcracks , microvoids , ASBs and twin boundary induced by high velocity impact were the preferential sites for the nucleation and propagation of the primary cracks , and the formation of various defects led to the further deformability of the materials decreasing .
Twin and twin boundary in PTC batio_3 ceramics
Interaction between the Twins and the Anti-Phase Boundaries in Massive Transformation for γ - TiAl Alloys
When plastic strain amplitude was higher than about 8.14 × 10-4 , twins will elevate fatigue saturation stress and extend stress saturation plateau because of the interactions between twin boundaries and dislocations .
The low-temperature peak rose with increasing quench temperature because relatively high quench temperature produced relatively coarse twins whith were favorable for the sliding motion of the twins .
Tb-Dy-Fe twin crystal or polycrystal magnetostrictive materials are normally employed as driving unit in magnetostrictive actuator , yet the crystal boundary and twin crystal structure in the Tb-Dy-Fe materials hinder the movement of domain walls so that the displacement output under low magnetic field is rather small .