
xué jiū
  • pedant;egghead
学究 [xué jiū]
  • [pedant] 读书人的通称。亦指迂腐浅陋的读书人

  • 浮夸的学究

学究[xué jiū]
  1. 老学究满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂。

    The old pedant used so many archaisms that half of what he said was unintelligible .

  2. 没有几个人喜欢学究。

    Few people like a pedant .

  3. 他身上有点学究气。

    He has a somewhat donnish air about him .

  4. 他一丝不苟,带着几分学究气。

    He is precise and mildly donnish in manner .

  5. 他的讲座学究气太浓,没意思。

    His lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting .

  6. 社会民主党内尽是些学究式思维的人。

    The Social Democratic Party was full of people of an academic cast of mind

  7. 我不喜欢这种学究的口吻。

    I have no brow of such a pedagogic tone .

  8. 如果基于某种原因,你发现一个非常非常擅长SQL,但是完全无法学习其他主题的白痴学究,不录用。

    If for some reason you find an idiot savant that is really , really , really good at SQL but completely incapable of ever learning any other topic , No Hire .

  9. 现在,你会听到我和,来回的讲好多次,好吧我当然是个老学究,但是我也是一个老lisp程序员。

    John Now , you 're going to hear John and I go back and forth a lot , well I 'm certainly old time , but I 'm also an old time Lisp programmer .

  10. 现今的历史学者大多是些学究气十足的人。

    Historians are for the most part very scholarly men nowadays .

  11. 他外表有点学究气,相当害羞。

    He had a bookish and rather shy look about him .

  12. 吹毛求疵的学究;过分苛求、吹毛求疵的导师。

    A captious pedant ; an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor .

  13. 伯莎故事讲得带点儿文绉绉的学究气。

    Bertha purposely spoke in a somewhat formal and elaborate manner .

  14. 对学究们而言,一个新世纪开始于何时显而易见。

    To pedants , it may seem obvious when new centuries start .

  15. 她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。

    She 's always shown an academic turn of mind .

  16. 宫廷里的学究是在猴子群里的驴子。

    A scholar at court is an ass among apes .

  17. 他们在处理典型问题时和经院派学究相差甚微。

    They deviated little from the scholastics in tackling the standard problems .

  18. 在这种时候,这一区别听上去可能有点学究气。

    The distinction might sound arcane at a moment such as this .

  19. 学究们藐视教育,但教育却是有益的。

    Pedants sneer at an education , which is useful .

  20. 学究式的言语、仪态、幽默感。

    A donnish remark , manner , sense of humour .

  21. 关于专利的辩论看起来可能有些学究味,可实际上是个人层面的事。

    The debate may seem academic but in fact it is very personal .

  22. 两个模样古板、带学究气的中年绅士。

    Two middleaged gentlemen of staid and learned appearance .

  23. 我们的处理是严格的,而不是学究式的。

    Our treatment is rigorous without being pedantic .

  24. 这大都是一些孤立的,学究式的文件。

    These were mostly detached and scholarly documents .

  25. 没有知识的傻瓜全凭想象办事,没有想象的学究全凭知识办事。

    Fools act on imagination without knowledge ; pedants act on knowledge without imagination .

  26. 这篇文章带有学究气。

    The article tastes of the schools .

  27. 他的文章有学究气。

    His writing taste of the school .

  28. 这种分析未免太过学究气。

    This is too scholastic by far .

  29. 他的随笔或许带有陈腐的学究气。

    His essays can be Oxbridge musty .

  30. 有人说老学究吗?

    Did someone just say old school !