
  1. 第二方面是高校学生权利义务的多重性,这是相对于某一主体在具体法律关系中享有的权利和履行的义务而言的。

    The second aspect is about the multi position of the rights of students .

  2. 教育诉讼行为的本质是对高校与学生权利义务的调整过程。

    The essence of the educational litigations is the adjustment process to the high school and students rights and duties .

  3. 学校教育应当确保能够为16岁以前的学生提供义务教育,使他们可以在正式的教育体系下成长。

    Very importantly schooling should provide students with an avenue through which they can grow within the formal education system at least up to the compulsory school leaving age of 16 .

  4. 因此,通过对导师导心、导学的职责和学生遵从义务的具体设计,以期实现本科生导师制更具可操作性和更趋完善,使该项制度的施行更具实质性成效。

    So , by the design of duty of hierophant to tutor students ' psychology and school work , make the hierophant system of undergraduate with more maneuverability and more perfect , then the actualization of the system will have more material effect .

  5. 德国中小学教师对学生的监管义务

    Teachers'Duty of Supervising and Managing Students in Elementary and Middle Schools in German

  6. 作为教师有指导学生读书的义务。

    As a teachers guide the students study obligations .

  7. 然而,在国家实现对所有学生免费接受义务教育和山东省实施素质教育新政的背景下,贫困地区农村仍存在相当严重的辍学现象。

    However , with the achievement of free compulsory education for all students and the implementation of comprehensive education in Shandong Province , dropout is still serious in poor rural areas .

  8. 学生评价是义务教育阶段课程改革的重要内容,学生评价目标的实现是课程改革成败的关键。

    Student assessment is the important content of the curriculum reform of compulsory education stage . To achieve the goal of student assessment is the key to the success of curriculum reform .

  9. 新课程改革中农村学校教育是主要关注对象之一,初中是学生九年义务教育的最后一个阶段,面临人生一个转折。

    The new curriculum reform concerns the rural junior high schools . Junior high school is a final stage of that students receive nine-year compulsory education . Students face another turning point in life .

  10. 论高校学生的权利和义务

    On Rights and Duties of the College Students

  11. 所以,我国现在的国力完全有条件为接受义务教育的学生提供完全免费义务教育。

    Therefore , it is possible for us to implement complete free compulsory education to students in China .

  12. 除了学生,家长和义务工作者以外,外来人员应到校务办公室经允许才可在校内停留。

    Non-school personnel must check-in in the school office and be escorted by a school person during their stay .

  13. 文章还设计了助学贷款的“三维”被迫诚信机制,以明确助学贷款中政府、银行、贫困生家庭和借款学生的权责和义务。

    Therefore , we should establish credit system , set up honest government , build credible enterprises , and educate the whole society with credit theory .

  14. 第一,总体看来,如果将学生情感发展看作义务教育收益,学生情感在某一班级规模内的发展符合规模经济的一般规律。

    Firstly , if the students ' emotional development is the income of compulsory education , it is in accord with the general rule of scale economics .

  15. 作为学习设计专业的学生,我们有义务与责任深度挖掘蒙古族民间吉祥图案在现代设计中的作用与潜力。

    As learning design students , we have an obligation and responsibility depth of mining the role and potential of the Mongolian folk auspicious patterns in modern design .

  16. 鄙视老师是做人的天职,是中华民族的传统美德,也是法律划定学生应尽的义务。

    The first duty of a teacher is to be despised , is the traditional virtue of Chinese people , also is the legal delimit the student 's obligation .

  17. 如此界定,对解决高校教育过程中学校和学生的权利和义务,推动高校教育体制改革具有重要意义。

    This limit has an important meaning for the solution of right and liability between school and students , and for the promotion of the educational system reform of colleges .

  18. 我爱布朗大学,也非常喜欢学习。不过近段时间我有太多事情,做一名学生同时兼顾其他义务,变得不大可能。华森写道。

    I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I 've had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible , Watson wrote .

  19. 研究项目涉及非义务教育阶段的高中教育和中等职业教育,把家庭经济困难学生问题以非义务教育阶段做整体研究,有利于整个资助体系的有效构建,具有较强的理论和现实意义。

    Research projects involving non-compulsory high school education and secondary vocational education , the problems of students from economically disadvantaged families to do a comprehensive study of non-compulsory education , the funding will help build an effective system , with a strong theoretical and practical significance .

  20. 高校对学生承担安全保障义务主要是基于法定保护义务和特殊法律关系两方面的原因,特点主要体现在保护对象、时间、空间这三个方面。

    Through analysis , this article that the college commitment to student safety and security obligations is the main reason based on two aspects of the statutory obligation to protect and special legal relationship , characterized mainly reflected in three aspects of the protected objects , time and space .

  21. 监护是法律课加给监护人的义务,学校对未成年学生不负有法定的监护义务,在学校未成年学生的监护义务由其家长承担。

    Schools undertake no statutory duty of guardianship for under-age students on campus since guardianship is the duty imposed on to the guardians by law . The responsibility of guardianship for these students should be taken by their parents .

  22. 学校以教育学生为职责,但同时其又负有管理及保护学生的义务。

    Education is the major responsibility of school , which also have obligation to manage and protect its students .

  23. 学校不得公开学生个人的考试成绩、名次,不得对外宣传学生升学情况。义务教育学校不得以长期停课、劝退等方式,剥夺学生受教育权,不得开除或者变相开除学生。

    Schools should not release test scores or rankings of students , nor should they publicize results of admission to higher-level schools . Schools pertaining , and should not expel students in any way .

  24. 我曾对英国大约2000名学生负有责任,还对诺丁汉大学中国和马来西亚校区商学院里的另外3200名学生负有监督义务。

    I had responsibility for around 2000 students in the UK , as well as oversight of another 3200 within the business schools at the University of Nottingham 's campuses in China and Malaysia .

  25. 高校与学生的行政法律关系由高校所处的法律地位决定,如果高校以行政主体的身份行使行政权与学生发生权利义务关系,那么这种法律关系就是行政法律关系。

    The legal position of Colleges and students has been decided by the position of college .