
  • 网络learning theory;theory of learning
  1. 统计学习理论(Statisticallearningtheory或SLT)是研究有限样本情况下机器学习规律的理论。

    Statistical learning theory is a small-sample statistics theory .

  2. 统计学习理论(Statisticallearningtheory或SLT)是一种专门研究小样本情况下机器学习规律的理论,它具有完备的理论基础。

    Statistical Learning Theory ( SLT ) is a theory , which research the machine study specially in small samples .

  3. 从学习理论谈Web课程设计理论

    From the theory of learning to the theory of Web course design

  4. 通过介绍建构主义学习理论在Java语言教学中的应用,说明了在教学情境的创设方面的具体方法和技巧。

    It deals with the application of constructivism in Java teaching as well as methods and techniques in creating teaching scenes .

  5. 以行为主义学习理论为基础的CAI教学设计的特点是以教师为中心,只强调教师的教而忽视学生的学,全部教学设计理论都是围绕如何教而展开,很少涉及学生如何学的问题。

    Guided by behaviorism , the CAI design focused on how teachers taught but seldom paid attention to how students studied .

  6. 领域溶合算法光滑了覆盖领域的分类边界,简化了SVM问题求解的复杂度,提高了覆盖算法的性能,将覆盖算法与统计学习理论结合起来,为覆盖算法提供了理论依据。

    The fusion algorithm not only simplifies the solution of SVM and improves the performance of covering algorithm but also provides academic foundation for covering algorithm .

  7. 本文根据现代学习理论,在已有网络教学思想和模式的基础之上,运用现代网页技术、JSP技术、数据库技术等设计并实现了基于网络的在线学习辅助系统。

    According to modern learning theory , existing E-Learning theories and modes , we design an online aiding-study system integrating the state-of-the-arts technologies of web pages , JSP and database .

  8. 本文以中学信息技术课程为例,结合现代教育教学、学习理论及课程自身的特点和学习者的需求,对基于ASP技术的信息技术网络教学系统的设计与实现进行了研究。

    It studies the design and realization of information technology Network Teaching System which is based on ASP technology , combining the modern teaching , learning theory and the characteristics of the curriculum .

  9. 支持向量机以统计学习理论为基础,建构于统计理论的VC维度理论与结构风险最小化原则的基础上,能尽量提高学习的泛化能力。

    Support vector machine based on statistical learning theory , it builds on the statistical theory of VC dimension and structural risk minimization theory . It attaches to the principles which can maximize the generalization ability of learning .

  10. 在此基础上,提出了将机器学习理论应用于风机状态识别的方法,设计并实现了一种基于支持向量机(SVM)的风机状态识别分类器。

    On the foundation of above , study on Machine Learning and its applications in status-recognition of fan are presented , and classifier fan state recognition based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is designed and implemented .

  11. PBL以信息加工心理学和认知心理学为基础的,属于建构主义学习理论的范畴,是建构主义教学改革设想当中的“一条被广泛采用的核心思路”。

    Built on the base of information processing psychology and Cognitive psychology , PBL which is named as " a widely used core method " belongs to the category of constructivist learning theories .

  12. 以建构主义学习理论为基础,通过对新的学习环境下知识的界定和知识获取方式的研究,提出基于Web的知识建构支持系统(KCSS),以有助于个体知识和协作知识的建构。

    Based on the analysis of the definition of knowledge and the study of the way that people acquire knowledge in the new learning environment , web-based knowledge construction support system ( KCSS ) is advanced to assist both individual and collaborative knowledge construction process .

  13. 从CAI产生的理论依据入手,具体阐述了ICAI的理论基础&认知学习理论,并研究了认知学习理论应用于ICAI系统的特殊问题,同时论述了作为ICAI理论支撑的个性化理论在系统中的应用。

    From the theory of CAI , the author illustrated the CAI fundamental theory & the cognitive theory , studied the particular problems concerning the application of cognitive theory to ICAI system . And illustrated the application of mental characteristics of individual to the system .

  14. 本文通过对人脑结构、建构主义学习理论、学生视听规律以及MCAI的自身特性的分析,从生理和心理角度上对MCAI促进物理观察能力培养的可行性予以论证。

    By analyzing the structure of human brain , the learning theory of constructivism , audio-visual law of the students , and the characteristics of MCAI , the paper demonstrates the feasibility that MCAI promotes the observation ability in physics from the physiological and psychological angles .

  15. 电力系统中基于学习理论的特征选择方法研究

    Study on Feature Selection Based on Learning Theory in Power Systems

  16. 合作学习理论与小组活动&大学英语课堂教学探索

    Cooperative Group Study in Classroom Cooperative Learning Theory and Group Activities

  17. 统计学习理论在预测注水管道腐蚀速率中的研究与应用

    Application of Statistics in Predicting Corrosion Rate of Water Injecting Pipeline

  18. 自我监控学习理论述评

    A Review of the Self-regulated Learning Theory and its Theoretical Models

  19. 现代学习理论是远程教育的理论基础。

    Modern learning theories are basis to long - distance education .

  20. 论人本主义学习理论言语联想学习浅论

    On humanist learning theories The Elementary Discussion of Language Association Study

  21. 借鉴建构主义学习理论设置临床综合课程

    Utilizing the Constructivism Learning Theory for the Setting of Clinical Integrate Curriculum

  22. 现代企业组织学习理论研究述评

    The Review of Researches on Leaning Theory in Modern Enterprises

  23. 加强各种教学、学习理论的培训;

    Strengthen the training of teaching and learning theories and teaching design ;

  24. 建构主义学习理论与教师角色创新

    Learning Theory of Constructivism and Innovation of Teachers ' Role

  25. 在物理教学中,科学探究与知识建构统一于有意义学习理论:学习者通过科学探究活动获取有意义的学习材料,体现了认知主体与客体的互动;

    In physics teaching , it can be united in meaningful learning .

  26. 通过借鉴语言学习理论,对此问题展开了研究。

    Then I began my study with reference to language learning theories .

  27. 对国内、外学习理论进行了系统研究与反思。

    The domestic and foreign learning theory is systematically studied and rethought .

  28. 自我调节学习理论及其教学意义

    A Mechanism of Self-regulation for Learning and Its Instructional Implications

  29. 动作技能学习理论的演变及发展展望

    The Development and Prospects of Motor Skill Learning Theory

  30. 论内隐学习理论及其在语文教学中的运用

    On the Application of the Theory of Implicit Learning in the Chinese Teaching