
  • 网络Orphan
  1. 与之平衡的是给读者们的利益:能利用这些孤品著作比什么也没有要好得太多了。

    Balanced against that are the benefits to readers : Being able to use these orphan works is much , much better than nothing .

  2. 国际上对于孤品著作的争论也开始响应起来,尤其是在法国,当地出版商提起对谷歌的诉讼原定于下月听审。

    The international dimension to the debate over orphan works has also started to resonate , particularly in France , where a lawsuit against Google brought by local publishers is due to be heard next month .

  3. 所以,民间不是没有东西,更不乏有很多精品、孤品!

    Therefore , people are not nothing , but lack a lot of fine , orphaned and goods !

  4. 要想获得更满意的市场体验,就去蒙蒂市场(MercatoMonti)吧,那里有二十多个摊铺,是年轻设计师、手工艺人和古董交易商的新聚集地,从毡帽、复古墨镜、条纹毛衣,到当地设计师制作的孤品连衣裙,各种货物应有尽有。

    For a more satisfying market experience , head to MercatoMonti , where about two dozen vendors - an upstart collective of young designers , artisans and vintage dealers - sell everything from felt fedoras and vintage sunglasses to striped sweaters and one-of-a-kind dresses made by local designers . 6 .