
jì dù bào biǎo
  • quarterly report form
  1. 同时,花旗银行还将在1月16日提前宣布其第四季度报表,人们预期那时花旗银行的总裁VikramPandit将揭示计划,使花旗进一步加快瘦身。

    The bank has brought forward its fourth-quarter results to January16th and expectations are high that Vikram Pandit , Citi 's chief executive , will unveil plans to slim the bank further and faster .

  2. 利用月报和季度报表收集资料,采用χ2检验对率和构成比进行统计分析,处理过程通过SAS8.1实现。

    Monthly and quarterly reports were collected and checked regularly . χ 2 test was applied to analyze the data by SAS 8.1.Results From Oct.2003 to Sept.

  3. 抱歉季度报表要在下午之前搞定

    Sorry . Quarterly report 's due out this afternoon .

  4. 银行寄我们一份季度报表或结帐单。

    The bank send us a quarterly statement .

  5. 它是顶级的合并与收购顾问,季度报表中从来没有显示过亏损。

    it was the top merger and acquisitions advisor ; and it never posted a quarterly loss .

  6. 方法根据南昌市2001~2003年结核病登记的年度报表、季度报表和工作总结分析结核病人发现及登记情况。

    Methods The annual and quarter reports and summarize of TB register from 2001 to 2003 , were analyzed .

  7. 几个小时前他们发表的季度报表显示他们每个月都能赚取超过10亿美元的利润。

    A few hours ago they released quarterly results showing them making over a billion dollars in profit per month .

  8. 本报告所包含数字,是根据保险人向保险业监督提交的季度报表内申报的统计资料编辑而成。

    Statistics contained herein are compiled from statistical information provided by insurers in their quarterly returns to the Insurance Authority .

  9. 方法收集、审核、统计和汇总全省各市(州)、县(市、区)的季度报表及督导检查的有关资料并进行分析。

    Methods The date of tuberculosis ( TB ) quarterly and monthly reports from every city and county and other relevant information from monitoring reports were collected and analyzed .

  10. 去年它还能为企业融资,这是其他银行都做不到的。它是顶级的合并与收购顾问,季度报表中从来没有显示过亏损。

    Last year it raised capital for businesses when others couldn 't ; it was the top merger and acquisitions advisor ; and it never posted a quarterly loss .

  11. 而不便的是,很少有黑手党会发布季度业绩报表。

    Inconveniently , mafiosi rarely file statements of quarterly earnings .

  12. 更别说看懂公司的季度财务报表了。

    Let alone make any sense of the company 's quarterly financial report .

  13. 认真查看公司季度财务报表中的收益细则。

    Look at the revenue breakdowns in the company 's quarterly financial statement .

  14. 比如月度或季度财务报表。

    Example : Monthly or quarterly financial reports .

  15. 其他公司则停止在美国提交季度财务报表,致使投资者对公司在中国的运营情况毫不知情。

    Others simply stopped submitting quarterly financial statements in the United States , leaving investors in the dark about what was happening with their operations in China .

  16. 几乎每一个美国大型银行的第三季度的报表都令人沮丧。之前认为的“利润”现在只能更确切地替换为“结果”这个词。

    Almost every big American bank provided its own depressing jolt to their third-quarter announcements of what were once known as " earnings " but now are more accurately termed " results " .

  17. 根据第三季度收益报表显示,陌陌的用户量高达330万,2015年第三季度会员收入费共计1600万美元,移动营销收入达到了1080万美元。

    Momo members reached 3.3 million , membership subscription revenues were $ 16.0 million in the third quarter of 2015 , and mobile marketing revenues $ 10.8 million , according to its third-quarter earnings report .

  18. 负责编制合营公司总部的月度、季度、年度报表,其他协调工作。

    To prepare and coordinate monthly / quarterly / annual financial reports of head office .

  19. 份额下降的影响明显体现在诺基亚一季度的财务报表里。

    The impact was evident in Nokia 's financial report for the first three months of the year .

  20. 我收到了你上季度的销售报表,很高兴地发现你们在过去的三个月里成功地将销售业绩翻了一番。

    I have received your sales reports for the last season and happy to see that you succeeded in doubling your sales in the past three months .

  21. 结合行业特征和公司具体情况,中检江苏公司财务部每季度在财务报表等数据的基础上,对财务指标进行比较分析,向公司管理者提供所需的会计信息。

    Taking industry characters and special details of CCICJS into consideration , accountants in Finance Department of CCICJS analysis financial norm based on accounting statements , and afford accounting information required by company managers .

  22. 为了给工薪家庭一个公平的机会,我们需要更多的雇主不要只看到下个季度的收入报表,他们应当意识到投资于自己的员工符合美国的长远利益。

    To give working families a fair shot , we still need more employers to see beyond next quarter 's earnings and recognize that investing in their workforce is in their company 's long-term interest .

  23. 该银行表示,将重申其先前提出的第一季度的中期财务报表。

    The bank said it would restate its previously filed interim financial statement for the first quarter .