
  1. 印度塔塔汽车公司在为旗下的NANO汽车加工基地选址的时候,西孟加拉省的官员向塔塔公司大力游说,并为这项众所瞩目的计划从当地农民手里征集了一千顷土地。

    When Tata Motors was looking for a site to establish an automobile plant to manufacture the Nano car , the West Bengal State government wooed the company and acquired one-thousand acres of land from farmers for the high-profile project .

  2. 在印度的西孟加拉省,当地政府和抗议者开始对话。这些抗议者反对塔塔(TATA)汽车公司在这里设厂制造世界最便宜的汽车。

    Controversy About Automobile Plant in India Grows In India 's West Bengal State , authorities have started talks with protesters opposing an automobile plant proposed by Tata Motors to manufacture the world 's cheapest car .

  3. 在西孟加拉省,一个贫困家庭一般有三个人挣钱,从事七种工作。

    In West Bengal , a poor household will typically have three breadwinners doing seven occupations between them .

  4. 不过,塔塔在西孟加拉省辛谷地区的生产基地最近遇到麻烦。当地一些农民在反对党人士的领导下,要求归还他们的土地。

    But the Nano plant in Singur became embroiled in controversy after some farmers , led by an opposition political party , demanded their land back .

  5. 西孟加拉省官员希望挽救这项工程,同时也希望挽救该省创造友好经商环境的努力。官员们最近开始和抗议者对话。

    Authorities in West Bengal State , who want to rescue the project and the state 's image as a business-friendly destination , have started talks with the protesters .